Chapter 5

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James Potter

"What's wrong with you mate?" I burst into the boys sixth year dormitory where Tanner, Fred and Kyle where sat with Kieran.

"What are you on about?" Fred asked, holding me back from Kieran.

"You've gone and really upset Amber, she was so worried about you and you've thrown it back in her face!" I cried.

After myself and Amber had finally found Kieran she was so relieved and happy that she'd found her best friend so she immediately asked him where he'd been like any other best friend would. Kieran had reacted badly to Amber's concern and spoke to her rudely which immediately upset her. Seeing Amber upset had set off the fire within me and I hated to see her so upset just because Kieran had treated her horribly. She didn't deserve it.

"She wasn't worried about me, she was just being nosey!" Kieran scoffed, standing up.

"Nosey? You and I both know that she's not like that!" I replied. I had never seen this side to Kieran before and it was a little strange. He was always so calm and collected. What had changed?

"She was being like that. She changed." Kieran shrugged, making his way to the door.

"Amber is anything but nosey. She's always been there for you mate." Tanner looked at him shocked.

"Well she shouldn't be. I'm not worth it." Kieran told us before exiting the room quickly.

Fred slowly released my shoulders as we all stared in shock at the place where Kieran had been standing not two minutes ago. It was extremely strange for Kieran's attitude to change so quickly.

"Do you think he's annoyed at you for being with Amber when you found him?" Kyle asked as we all took seats on the floor and on the beds.

"Maybe. The last thing I want is for him to be annoyed at me, but he knows how I feel about her and I can't help that." I shrugged, sitting down.

"It's so strange for him to be annoyed, he's never like this." Fred furrowed his eyebrows.

"I think there's something more wrong with him. It isn't just about the fact that you're in love with Amber, James." Tanner said thoughtfully.

"I'm not in love with her." I protested, although I could feel my cheeks heating up a little.

"You don't need to lie to us mate, we all know you do." Fred grinned at me cheekily.

"How is Amber now anyway?" Kyle quickly changed the subject noticing my embarassement.

"She's really upset, they've been best friends for years." I sighed.

"I think we should go and talk to Nadia, she'll know what to do and how to talk to Kieran about this." Tanner spoke up.

We all nodded in agreement and made our way down to the common room where Nadia, Cassidy and Amber were sat talking.

"Hey." Tanner sat down and gave Amber a sympathetic smile.

"I'm guessing James told you what happened then?" Amber had obviously noticed everyone's sympathetic faces.

"Yeah he did after lashing out at Kieran." Fred nodded and took a seat next to Kyle leaving me to sit next to Amber on the sofa where the three girls where sat.

"Kieran was in your dormitory?" Nadia asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah until James came storming in." Kyle rolled his eyes.

"What was he like before James got there?" Nadia asked, sitting forward a little.

"Quiet. Tanner asked him where he'd been and he just told us that he'd been for a walk." Kyle replied.

"There's just something not right." Cassie sighed.

"There isn't. This isn't like Kieran." Amber sighed, resting her head in her hand's.

"We've all known him since first year, but yet we have no idea what's wrong with him. Where has he gone now?" Nadia asked.

"We have no idea. He was angry with me and he left quickly." I shrugged.

"What did you say to him James?" Nadia turned to me.

"I asked him he said that Amber was just being nosey when he knows that she only cares and he gave me an invalid response." I replied.

"Yeah he said that Amber has changed and then that he didn't deserve her." Tanner nodded.

"I wish he'd just talk to me, tell me what's wrong." Amber sighed.

"We need to keep a closer eye on him from now on. Make sure he's never walking anywhere alone and then maybe we may be able to find out what's wrong and try to help him. He's always been there for us so we have to be there for him." Nadia told us all.

"I suppose that's a good idea. But I doubt he'll want to be anywhere near Amber or James at the minute." Tanner agreed.

"That's true." Cassie nodded.

"I'll try to speak to him, but I'll keep my distance." Amber sighed.

"And I'll keep away because I'm definitely the last person he'll want to talk to at the minute." I shrugged.

"That's a good idea, do we have a plan?" Nadia asked us all.

"We have a plan." Tanner nodded.

Operation 'find out what was wrong with Kieran' was officially underway.

Hello! I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to update and this isn't the best chapter, but for all of you that are asking, Kieran does have an interesting storyline that involves both James and Amber so look out for that!

Also, one of my friends and a reader of mine justanotherfangirlhp is beginning to write a story that asks questions to all of her favourite authors and I'm honoured to be one of them! If you have any questions that you would like to ask me about anything, then you can inbox he with your question and she will forward it to me so that I can answer it! Get reading guys!

Thanks for reading!

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