Chapter 24

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Amber Chamberlin

The Great Hall looked beautiful and mysterious as usual but that night it felt tense, like something had happened there before people had begun to enter the hall. I took James' hand, feeling a little nervous for some reason. Maybe it was because Greg and Jenna hadn't come to Hogwarts with me this time?

"Good evening students" Professor McGonagall stood up at the front of the Great Hall "I have chosen to speak to you all before the sorting of our new first year students because this year we are welcoming a transfer student from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic into the Seventh year here. She will be sorted amongst the first years so that she won't have a fuss made over her. I trust that you will warmly welcome our new students and first year students alike."

Professor McGonagall then sat down and made her way back to her seat. The door to the chamber opened and the nervous looking first year students made their way into the hall. Amongst them was a tall girl who was clearly not a first year student but she looked as nervous as they did. She had brown hair with honey tones to it and her eyes were a bright sparkling blue.

Professor Birkley, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and our Muggle Studies Teacher pulled a scroll out of her pocket and held it up, clearing her voice so that she could announce the students.

"Kelling, Daniel." A small boy with brown hair was sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Jennings, Chloe." Was sorted into Hufflepuff.

"Foster, Callie." Was also sorted into Hufflepuff.

"Vander, Xavier." Was sorted into Slytherin.

"Evans, Abigail." Was sorted into Gryffindor.

"Kinsey, Harriet." Was sorted into Gryffindor.

"Myers, Jasmine." Was sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Kinsey, Adira." It was time for the seventh year girl to be sorted. She quickly made her way up to the front, her eyes widening in shock when the sorting hat began to talk to her. Seconds later the hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR!" And Adira Kinsey made her way down the aisle towards where we were sat.

"Hi, do you mind if I sit here?" She asked me with a shy smile.

"No of course not! Welcome to Hogwarts, I'm Amber Chamberlin." I introduced myself, moving closer to James so that Adira could sit down.

"Thank you so much! And thank you Amber, Adira Kinsey." Adira introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you, this is my boyfriend James and my friends. I'll let them introduce themselves." I waved at them to introduce themselves.

"Nice to meet you Adira, I'm Cassidy Harris, but you can call me Cassie." Cassie gave her a sweet smile.

"Nice to meet you too Cassie." Adira returned her smile.

"Nadia Lovera, lovely to meet you." Nadia introduced herself with a friendly smile.

"Nadia, that's such a cool name. Nice to meet you Nadia." Adira smiled.

"I am the god that is Tanner Jordan, pleasure to meet you." Tanner flirted.

"Nice to meet you Tanner." Adira was already rolling her eyes at Tanner, that was a good sign.

"Kyle Windsor, nice to meet you." Kyle gave Adira a shy smile.

"Nice to meet you Kyle." Adira replied with a smile.

"And finally, I'm Fred Weasley, lovely to meet you." Fred smiled.

"Lovely to meet you too Fred." Adira told him.

"Well Amber already sort of introduced me but I'm James Potter." James gave Adira a friendly smile.

"Hi James." Adira smiled in return.

The sorting ceremony had finally finished and all first year students had been sorted into their houses, now the four long house tables were piled with various amounts of food to choose from. The start of term feast was definitely my favourite throughout the whole year.

"So what brings you to Hogwarts Adira?" Tanner asked her.

"Well me and my family actually just moved over here, we did live in France, but we moved back because my Dad got a really good job at the Ministry. My sister Harriet was starting her first year here so I decided to move here for my last year." Adira explained.

"Oh lovely, myself Amber and Nadia visited France in the summer it was great wasn't it?" Cassie looked at us both for support.

"Yes it was lovely." I smiled thinking back to our amazing visit to France.

"I've lived there since I was three so it was great to move back over here. I personally love England." Adira told us.

"I suppose it isn't that bad over here." James chuckled a little.

"Are you all in seventh year then?" Adira looked around at us all.

"Yeah so that means that you'll probably be sharing a dormitory with us." I told her with a smile.

"Oh thank god, at least I know some people now." Adira sighed in relief.

"You'll like it here, it's not that bad actually." Cassie shrugged.

"Well good, I was so worried about what it would be like here, I've heard loads of different things about Hogwarts because my brother's actually came here to go to school. They preferred it and decided to come here, but Damon left three years ago and Harley left two years ago." Adira shrugged.

"Blimey, just how many brothers and sister's do you have?" Fred asked her with a small laugh.

"Actually quite a lot. My oldest sister Rainey has just turned thirty and she's got two children of her own now, then there's Damon, Harley, me, Evelyn and Harriet. So that's three sisters and two brothers." Adira laughed quietly.

"Damn you just beat me! I've got three sisters and one brother." Tanner told her.

"What about your other sister, Evelyn? Shouldn't she be at school?" Cassie asked her.

"Well you see....the thing is...Eve is a squib." She sighed, looking a little uncomfortable for a moment.

"Oh gosh! I'm sorry for asking." Cassie's eye's widened and she gasped at her mistake.

"No! No, there's no need to apologise Cassie, actually Eve quite likes being a Squib, she attends muggle school and has muggle friends and she enjoys it." Adira shrugged.

"Oh right, well that's good then." Cassie smiled a little.

"Students, may I have your attention please?" Professor McGonagall stood up again "firstly I would like to welcome all of our new students to Hogwarts and I hope that you have the most enjoyable time here. Secondly, the rules, the forbidden forest is out of bounds to all students, no student is allowed to wander the corridors at night, the curfew is 9.30pm and Mr Filch would like me to remind you that no magic is to be used in the corridors or between classes. Thank you, first years please look to your house prefect for directions to your dormitories. Good night."

As soon as Professor McGonagall had spoken, all students rose from their seats and began to make their way out of the Great Hall. We all followed with Adira in tow so that we could show her how to get to the Gryffindor Common Room safely and so we could show her where the seventh year girls dormitories were.

As we finally made it up to our dormitory and turned out the light I was happy to know that we had made a good friend in Adira Kinsey that day.

Woo! I'm loving how quick this updates are at the moment, hope you're all enjoying this!

So what do we all think about Adira Kinsey?!

Thanks for reading!

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