Chapter 35

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Amber Chamberlin

After the incident at the Potter house for Ginny's birthday, time passed by quicker than I could have imagined. Christmas was a beautiful and memorable occasion, as we all stayed at Hogwarts to spend it together for our last year and New Years Eve wasn't as horrific as the last one.

Our final year at Hogwarts passed by in a haze and our NEWTs were soon over meaning that the fact that we were leaving Hogwarts had suddenly settled in. It seemed so surreal to be leaving. We had been there for seven years of lives so many highs and lows but great memories to take away with us.

I couldn't believe it was over.

"It's official, I'm going to start bawling my eyes out if Amber keeps sitting and staring at the wall like that!" Cassie sighed and sat down on the bed beside me. Today was our last day at Hogwarts.

"Sorry Cass, it's just hard to think that we're never going to see any of this again." I sighed, taking my eyes off of the wall.

Our dormitory that we decorated every year to make it our own now looked boring and plain and we'd never be able to decorate it again. All of our pictures and everything that we owned were stowed away in our trunks ready to be taken down to the Hogwarts Express.

"I know, but hey this is a new beginning for us all. You're not even going to be at home for long cause you and James are moving into your flat soon! That's so cute." Cassie grinned. I smiled and nodded. It was going to be great. James and I had bought a flat with the help of both of our parents and it was set right in the heart of London. My parents weren't thrilled about us living together and not being married but they finally gave in and we couldn't wait to move in. James had already enrolled on the Auror training programme and I had gotten a job at St Mungos as a training Healer. I couldn't wait to start as it was what I had always wanted to do.

"What are you doing when you leave Cass?" I asked her.

"I know this isn't exactly a wizarding job, but my Mum owns a cake shop in Covent Garden so I'm going to work there. I love baking and that's what I want to do." Cassie smiled a little.

"That's great Cassie." I smiled.

"Yeah, anyways I'm making yours and James' wedding cake so..." She grinned cheekily, trailing off.

"Cassidy we're not even getting married." I rolled my eyes.

"Yet." Cassie shrugged, standing up from the bed and walking over to the bathroom. "Adira are you finished yet?! You've been in there ages!"

"Nearly! I'm trying to find my make up brush!" Adira's voice called from inside the bathroom. We had all gotten closer with Adira and now she was my best friend along with Nadia and Cassie. She fit in with our group amazingly and she had a different bond with each of us. I was going to miss her when she moved to France with her family at the end of the year.

"You and your damn make up." Cassie rolled her eyes, sauntering back over to her bed to shove another item that she had forgotten in her trunk.

"Where's Nadia?!" Adira called through the bathroom door.

"I think she was going to the boys dormitory cause she leant a book to Kyle and never got it back." I shrugged.

"Well either that or she's somewhere snogging Tanner's face off. They're worse than you and James." Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Oh leave them be Cassidy, they're in love." Adira finally wandered out of the bathroom with her make up brush in hand.

"Whatever." Cassie shrugged.

"What are you trying to say about me and James?" I crossed my arm's across my chest and looked at her expectantly.

"You know." Cassie rolled her eyes with a grin. I rolled my eyes at her in return and pulled open the dormitory door, taking a last look at the dormitory.

"I can't believe we're leaving." Adira sighed, looking around the dormitory before following me out.

"I know, it only feels like two minutes ago that I met Amber and Nadia in our first year. It's been seven years." Cassie sighed, taking a last look before closing the door behind her.

"Time for the next adventure in our lives." I smiled a little, making my way down the stairs and into the common room where the boys and Nadia were sat.

"What's wrong Cass?" Nadia asked her as she took a seat across from the armchair that Tanner and Nadia were sat in.

"She's just feeling emotional Nads." I told her, sitting next to James and smiling as he threw an arm around me, kissing the side of my head.

"I can't believe we're leaving, it's not even set in yet." Fred sighed.

"Tell me about it. I wish my parents had sent me here earlier. I could've had longer with you guys." Adira sighed, looking around at us all.

"We'll miss you Dira." Cassie told her with a sad look on her face.

"I'll miss you all too." Adira sighed, looking down at the floor.

"GROUP HUG!" Tanner cried, rushing towards Adira and pulling Nadia with him. We all followed, basically trapping Adira in the chair as we crowded around her.

"Damn I'm not going to miss you guys and your random outbursts." Lily's voice made us pull away from each other.

"Don't be silly Lils, I know that you're gonna miss us really." Kyle told her.

"I actually am. It's gonna be so weird without you all here." Lily sighed, looking at us individually.

"Oh Lily don't! I'll cry!" Cassie looked away from her, her eyes welling up.

"Guys, I hate to break up your little sad moment but we've got to head down to the train." Al walked past us with Rose following slowly behind us.

"Al, always the bearer of bad news." Tanner rolled his eyes at him jokingly.

"Come on, let's go." James sighed, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. I nodded and followed him out of the common room, taking one last look before turning away for good.

We walked through the corridors of Hogwarts as a group, taking in the halls that we probably wouldn't see again for a while, maybe never again. I kept hold of James' hand knowing that it would bring me comfort knowing that he was there beside me. I was starting a new life with him and I couldn't wait.

"GOODBYE HOGWARTS!" Tanner yelled as we stood in the Entrance Hall, looking back at the school.

"I don't think Hogwarts is going to miss you Tanner." Cassie rolled her eyes at him.

"Be quiet Cassidy, Hogwarts is going to miss me loads." Tanner said, taking Nadia's hand and leading her out of the Entrance Hall and onto the pathway so that we could get the carriages down to the train.

We walked down the hall, all of us turning around to take one last look at the school before turning away and climbing on to a carriage. It was time to start new lives away from Hogwarts. I smiled at James and watched as Hogwarts disappeared.

I couldn't wait.


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