Chapter 11

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Amber Chamberlin

"CASSIE!!!" Was the first thing I heard on the morning of November the tenth.

I shot up, my first instinct being to grab my wand. However, as my eyes focused on the source of the sound, I found Nadia stood looking furious over Cassie's bed with a shoe in her hand. It was a strange sight to wake up to in a morning.

"What's wrong Nads?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes to try and wake myself up a little more.

"Cassie's pet cat has been using my shoe as a bed!" Nadia cried, showing me her shoe which was full of cat hair.

"Cassidy you need to wake up! We have classes today." I sighed, trying to shake her so that she'd wake up. I really couldn't be bothered with classes due to me being extremely tired.

"She isn't waking up Amber." Nadia sighed, finally putting down her shoe.

"There's nothing I can do about that Nadia, she'll just have to miss classes." I replied, grabbing my uniform and walking into the bathroom to change and get ready for the day.

As soon as I'd finished getting ready, Nadia was already changed and Cassie was just brushing through her hair.

"Do you not need the bathroom?" I asked them both.

"No, we went down to the one in the common room! You take too long Amber." Cassie rolled her eyes at me as she used a simple charm to curl her hair a little.

"Right, are you ready?" Nadia asked. We both nodded and followed her down the staircase and into the common room where Tanner, Fred and Kyle were sat.

"Morning guys." Cassie smiled weakly.

"Morning." Nadia nodded to them all as she sat down.

"Where's James?" I asked, looking around for the mischievous boy.

"Well good morning to you too Amber, I see you're preoccupied with my Jamsie." Tanner winked at me.

"Oh shut up, I only wondered where he was." I rolled my eyes. However, this time I blushed a little at what he said. I was constantly thinking about James Potter nowadays and I had no idea why! It was so irritating!

"He's upstairs getting his books Amber." Kyle told me with a small laugh.

"Amber was murmuring his name in her sleep last night." Cassie smirked at me with a laugh.

"I wasn't!" I cried, trying to defend myself. I had a dream about James last night, which would answer why I was saying his name in my sleep, but I wasn't about to tell any of them that.

"How would you know?" Nadia raised her eyebrow, a smile on her face.

"I just wasn't!" I cried. I was awful at defending myself today.

Tanner was about to say something to tease me when Kieran suddenly darted through the common room, taking one look at us all and then running.

"Kieran wait!" I cried and I was suddenly running after him.

"Amber! Just leave him!" Tanner called from where he was sat, worry etched on his face.

"I'll be fine Tanner! Don't follow me! I just want to talk to him!" I replied. With that I too off in a run in the direction that Kieran had disappeared in. I finally found him sat down against the wall with his head in his hand's.

"Leave me alone Amber." He groaned as I sat down next to him.

"I don't want to leave you alone Kieran, I want to talk." I told him sternly. He couldn't just keep avoiding me, we had to resolve this.

"You know that I don't like talking." He replied harshly.

"Well start liking it. Why did you kiss me?" I asked him, getting straight to the point. I already knew the answer to the question but I needed to hear him say it to me.

"You know why Amber, I don't need to answer that." He replied.

"Yes, you do." I told him sternly.

"I like you Amber, I like you a lot. I just didn't know how to tell you so that seemed the best way." He sighed.

"Hey, stand up." I told him, standing up myself. He followed my order and stood facing me, looking at me confusedly.

"I know that you already know that I just don't see you in that way Kieran, you're my best friend and nothing will change that. But I'll give you something so that hopefully you can enjoy it and then move on." I took a deep breath.

"What do you-" I quickly cut Kieran off however by pressing my lips against his. He quickly responded by kissing me back, but it felt strange. One name was running through my mind as I was kissing Kieran and that was unfortunately James' name. Why was James Potter affecting me so much these days?!

After what seemed like an eternity for me, I pulled back and looked down at the floor, not knowing what to say to him. Kieran then placed his finger under my chin and lifted my head so that I was looking at him.

"Thank you." He told me sincerely.

"I hope you can just move on now Kieran." I told him with a sigh, knowing it probably wouldn't be that easy for him.

"Maybe it would be best if I stayed away from you all for a while, just whilst I try and move on." He sighed.

"If that's what you want." I replied.

"It is." He nodded.

"I'll see you soon then Kieran." I told him, with that I began walking back in the way I came, but not before noticing that Tanner, Nadia, Cassie, Kyle and Fred were all stood at the end of the corridor. Judging by the looks on their face's, they had seen everything.

"Amber I-" Nadia began to speak.

"Don't say anything Nads I know you saw everything." I sighed.

"We heard everything too Amber, I'm sorry." Tanner sighed, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walked down to the Great Hall.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for Tanner" I told him "hey where's James?"

They all looked between each other with grave faces, it looked like they didn't want to tell me something and that something definitely had something to do with James.

"He saw what happened and he went to think things over." Nadia finally replied.

"What? Why?" I asked, confused.

"That's not for us to say Amber." Fred replied this time. I just nodded and carried on following them to the Great Hall.

Only time would tell.

Woo! Update!
Sorry it's taken so long!

For all of you that wanted to see a bit of Kieran and Amber, here you are!

Also, for all of you who are Colette Reynolds fans, I have began writing a story about what would've happened if she'd have lived to replace 'The Life and Death Of Colette Reynolds'. It's called 'Long Live' and the first few chapters are up now! Enjoy!:)

Thank you for reading!
Natalie :)

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