Chapter 36

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Amber Chamberlin

"Amber, are you one hundred percent sure about this?" Jenna stood in the doorway of my bedroom, watching as I packed my last box.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" I rolled my eyes so that she couldn't be and smiled as I placed a picture of myself, Cassie, Nadia and Adira inside the box.

"Because this is all a bit sudden. You left Hogwarts like two weeks ago and you're already moving out." Jenna replied. I turned around to face her, sighing as I took in her face.

"Jenna we've been planning this for months and I'm just ready to start a new life as a Healer and with James." I told her.

"Only if you're sure." She still doubted my decision but I stood by it one hundred percent. I loved James and no one in my family understood that. I was ready to start a new life and they didn't understand it.

"I'm sure Jen. Besides, you and Greg aren't living here anymore so nor should I. I don think I could cope with Mother and Father bickering about me being with James anymore anyway." I sighed. My Father was still not sure about my relationship with James and he definitely didn't support my decision about moving out by Mother did and at least I had one parent's blessing. I knew that James would prove them wrong.

"But it was different with me and Matt, we've been together much longer." She tried to fight me against my decisions but she wasn't helping at all. Nobody could change my decision.

"It's exactly the same. Me and James have been together two years at New Year, it isn't like we've only been together for a month." I rolled my eyes.

"It's your life Amber." She shrugged.

"Exactly." I muttered, closing the lid on the last box before smiling and looking around at my now empty room. It was so strange to see the room empty because I had had the same room all of my life, but it was good to know that I'd be moving into somewhere that would feel more homely. With James, I always felt like I was at home.

"Amber, Mum wants to know if you're ready to go." Greg stuck his head around my bedroom door, a grimace on his face. Greg had come from his house in Devon to help me and James move into our new apartment and I was very greatful. However, he wasn't too keen on the thought of me moving out and living with a boy, especially James. He just couldn't get used to the fact that I was older now and I was old enough to fend for myself. In his head I was still cute and innocent little Amber Chamberlin with her blonde hair up in high pigtails.

"Tell her yes." I replied with a small smile.

"Okay." He nodded once before leaving the room.

"Amber." Jenna spoke again, leaning against the wall next to the door.

"Yes?" I replied, turning to face her.

"I just want you to know that i'm really proud of you. Both me and Greg are. You've really improved since the incident and you dealed with it so well. I know Mum and Dad might not agree, but James is one of the best things that has ever happened to you. He's great." She told me with a small smile on her face.

"I know he is. I'm not letting him go. Thank you Jenna." I smiled, hugging her tightly. That was one of the first times that Jenna had been so lovely to me. It was very unlike her.

"AMBER JAMES IS HERE!" Mum's voice suddenly broke us out of our little moment. I smiled at Jenna one last time and then turned to face the door.

"Okay Mum i'll be right down!" I replied. As Jenna left I took one last look around my room and smiled lightly to myself before closing the door behind me and walking down the stairs to where Mother, Father, Jenna, Greg and James were stood at the bottom. This was actually happening. I was moving out.

"Hey." I gave James a small smile.

"Hey." He grinned, standing next to my Father with his hand's clasped together. My father still made him nervous.

"Have you got everything honey?" Mother asked with a small, sweet smile.

"Yes." I replied, joining them and smiling at them all individually.

"I can't believe you're actually going Amber." Greg spoke, looking at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm still going to see you Greg." I rolled my eyes a little. My family were so against me moving yet I had no problem with it at all. If anything I couldn't wait to get out.

"Yeah but not as often." He sighed.

"I don't see you often anyway since you moved to Devon." I told him, folding my arm's across my chest.

"Touché." Greg grinned, laughing a little at my sass.

"Haven't you two better be going? You've got loads of stuff to do?" Mum asked looking at me and James. Sounded like she was kicking me out.

"Yeah I suppose so." I smiled at James and picked up my bag off of the floor.

"See you soon Amber, call us if you need anything." Jenna smiled, pulling me in quickly for a hug.

"Yeah we're always here." Greg agreed, pulling me off of Jenna.

"See you soon darling." Mum told me, nodding her head once.

"Bye Amber." My father definitely had a cold heart. It made me wonder if he actually loved my Mother. I just nodded at him and followed James out of the door.

"Are you ready for this?" James asked with a smile as the door closed behind us.


I was ready to start next chapter of my life with the person I loved.


I've got some serious apologising to do! I'm sorry this chapter has taken so long I've had the worst writers block for months and new things have happened in my life which has taken up a lot of my time.
But there's a lot of this book left yet so let's get it written! Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)


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