Chapter 29

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James Potter

"IT WAS KIERAN?!" Was the first thing that Cassie and Tanner cried when we told them about Kieran's arrest that evening.

"That's what I said guys, Kieran has been arrested for the attack on Amber." I sighed, squeezing Amber's shoulder to reassure her as she rested against my side.

"I can't believe it." Kyle stated with a small gasp.

"So they have evidence against him and everything then?" Nadia asked, taking a seat beside Cassie on the sofa across from us.

"Yeah, when we got to McGonagall's Office Dad was in there and he was the one to break the news to us. We had CCTV cameras that Muggles use fitted last year and there was footage on there of Kieran and a hooded figure stood over an unconscious Amber." I sighed.

"I'm really sorry Amber, he sounded like a good friend." Adira gave her a sympathetic look. Amber just nodded and buried her face in my side.

Ever since we had returned to the Common Room, Amber had turned really quiet and upset, clinging to me for support. I wasn't surprised that she felt that way. Kieran was her best friend and none of us could understand why his feelings towards her had changed so drastically.

"Kieran was always as soft as anything, I could never imagine him doing something like this." Fred shook his head in shock.

"The question is why? Why would he ever want to hurt Amber so badly?" Nadia sighed.

"We'll never know." Tanner replied, still shaking his head from shock.

"It was him then?" Albus and Rose took seats across from us.

"What do you mean?" Amber sat up a little, looking at Al in confusion.

"James said he thought that it was him." Al stated.

"You thought that it was Kieran who attacked Amber James?" Fred asked.

"I wasn't definitely sure about it but when me and Mum were checking the names of people who had attended our party his name was on there. The fact that he didn't speak to any of us all night and that his parent's are muggles said something to me. If he didn't come to the party to see us why did he come?" I explained.

"Yes, if his parent's muggles then they wouldn't know anybody in the wizarding world. Kieran only knows the people he goes to school with." Nadia nodded, agreeing with me.

"You have a point there." Kyle also agreed.

"But why didn't you tell any of us?" Amber asked me. I sighed, taking in the sad look on her face. I hated seeing her hurt.

"When I reported what I knew to Dad he told me I had to keep it to myself because they needed to gather more evidence on him. If I went around telling everyone I thought it was him I could've got in to some serious trouble. You know I would've told you if I could've." I told her.

"Okay, I suppose you're right." She nodded, leaning back into my side.

"You thought about that well James, well done, I bet they would've never suspected him." Cassie smiled.

"Thanks Cass." I shrugged.

"You sound like his Mother Cass." Tanner laughed a little in amusement.

"Shut up Tanner." Cassie scowled at him, rolling her eyes.

"I think I'm gonna go and do some studying." Amber suddenly stated, standing up and trudging up the stairs to the Girls Dormitory.

We all looked between each other, everybody but me confused. Nadia sighed and looked towards the stairs, sighing. She knew what was wrong with Amber and she was worried, I could see it in her eyes.

"I'll go-" Nadia suddenly started.

"Do you mind if I go?" I cut her off quickly.

"And how exactly do you plan on getting up the stairs?" Nadia challenged, resting her hand on her hip and raising an eyebrow.

"Please?" I gave her my best puppy dog eyes and clapped my hand's together.

"Fine. But only for Amber." Nadia rolled her eyes, raising her wand and pointing it at me from where I was stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Nads you're a lifesaver." I grinned. Nadia just rolled her eyes again in reply and muttered the spell, levitating me up the stairs right to the top where the second Seventh year girls dormitory was. I was then set down on the floor so that I could knock on the door. The spell had no affect on the top floor.

"How did you get up here?" Amber's eyes widened as she opened the door.

"Nadia." I shrugged in reply.

"Well why did you want to come up here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Can we talk?" I asked her with a sigh.

"Okay, come in." She opened the door wider so that I could enter the room.

The girls dormitory was much like the boys except for the fact that it smelled better and it was much tidier. You could tell whose space was whose by just looking at the different beds and the belongings around them. Nadia's was in the right-hand corner and it was simple and very neat with a few pictures up of her family and pictures from when she visited France with Amber and Cassie. Cassie's was to the left of Nadia's with a huge dressing table and mirror that was piled with different types of make up and nail varnish's. Adira's was next to Cassie's and you could tell that it was Adira's because it was fairly messy. Random items of clothes were strewn around her bed and a massive poster of the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch Team hung above her bed. Finally, Amber's bed was in the right-hand corner of the room and her space was neat just like Nadia's. She had a dressing table that was much neater than Cassie's and small fairy lights hung on the headboard of the bed. Above the bed was a board full of photos of Amber, Cassie and Nadia when they went to France, there were also a few photos that she had taken with Tanner and Kyle and a new one with Adira. She also had photos of herself and Lily that were taken whilst she stayed with us over the summer, and a few photos of me and her including the one that sat on her bedside table.

"You can sit down you know?" Amber cut me out of my trance, her face full of amusement.

"Sorry." I mumbled a little embarrassed as I sat down next to her on her bed.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked with a small smile.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay. I shouldn't have talked about him that much when we were downstairs I'm sorry." I sighed.

"James, you haven't upset me. I knew that they'd all be curious and have a load of questions, especially Tanner, Nadia and Cassie. You don't have anything to apologise for. I just came up here to clear my head." She told me.

"Oh well good! I just didn't want you to be upset." I told her. She smiled and shook her head in amusement.

"I really love you James Potter I hope you know that." She grinned, leaning forward and kissing my cheek.

"I do, I love you too." I smiled, placing my arm over her shoulder's and pulling her into my side, kissing her forehead.

"Good." She replied quietly.

Everything was going to be okay.


I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update, I've had no wifi for the past two weeks which has been very annoying:/

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading!:)


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