Chapter 15

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James Potter

Christmas in the Weasley/Potter/Windsor household was always very eventful. Grandma Molly always had the whole family round including Mattie, Taylor, Olly, Kyle and Lottie Windsor who weren't family, but they were as good as. Mum said that Grandma had always loved having a full house with all of her family and friends with her so Christmas was generally the same every year.

"Merry Christmas James dear!" Grandma cried when we stepped through the door of the Burrow.

"Merry Christmas Grandma." I smiled, giving her a brief hug before she moved on to Albus, Lily, Mum and Dad.

"Everybody is sat in the siting room if you want to go through." Grandma smiled.

"Okay, dinner smells lovely Mum." My Mum told her.

"Thank you Ginny." Grandma replied to her.

The five of us stepped into the sitting room where my God brother Teddy, my cousin Victoire, Uncle Bill, Aunt Fleur, Dominique, Louis, Uncle Ron, Aunt Hermione, Rose, Hugo, Uncle Percy, Aunt Audrey, Molly, Lucy, Uncle Charlie and Grandad were sat chatting.

"Hi guys, Merry Christmas!" Aunt Hermione stood, pulling us all into small hugs.

"Merry Christmas Aunt Hermione." I told her. As everyone said their 'merry Christmases' to each other, I sat down next to my youngest cousin Lucy who was smiling widely at me. Aged only six, Lucy was extremely cute.

"Where are George, Angelina, Roxie and Fred?" Dad asked Uncle Ron.

"Oh George is always late Harry, you should know that by now." Grandma walked into the room holding a tray of drinks.

"Angelina is probably stressing out." Mum laughed a little.

"Are Mattie, Taylor, Olly, Kyle and Lottie coming this year?" Uncle Bill asked Mum.

"No they aren't, Taylor discovered her cousins and they're all spending Christmas together this year." Mum told him.

"It's going to be so quiet without Taylor here." Uncle Ron stated.

"Merry Christmas Weasleys and Potters!" Uncle George strolled into the room with his arm's wide open, addressing us all.

"It's about time George, late as usual." Uncle Charlie tapped an imaginary watch on his arm.

"Oh be quiet Charles." Uncle George rolled his eyes.

"Hey mate." Fred came and sat beside me.

"Hi, good holiday so far?" I asked him.

"I suppose." Fred shrugged.

"James and Fred are next to leave Hogwarts out of you all then aren't they?" Myself and Fred turned our heads to face the adults who were all smiling at us. We hadn't heard the start if their conversation.

"Yeah next year." I shrugged.

"I can't wait." Fred grinned.

"You got yourself and girlfriend yet James." My god brother, Teddy, winked at me.

"Er no." I blushed a little.

"Oh come on James, you have to tell them about Amber." Lily smirked at me from where she was sat with Roxie and Dominique.

"Amber? Amber who?" Mum's head turned as she looked at me skeptically.

"You didn't tell Mum about her?" Lily asked.

"There's nothing to tell Lily." I gritted my teeth. When was she going to shut up?

"Come on Jamsie, tell us about Amber." Teddy grinned.

"James is practically in love with her, but she's in denial." Fred told them with a shrug.

"Fred! I'm not in love with her." I rolled my eyes, trying to conceal my blush. James Potter did not blush.

"Why haven't we heard about this Amber before?" Dad asked me with a small smile from where he was stood leaning against the door frame.

"Because there isn't anything to tell. She's just a friend." I told them.

"That is such a lie James. You're always blushing when she's around and always talking about her." Albus rolled his eyes, making Rose laugh a little.

"What's she like Fred?" Mum asked him.

"Well she's got blonde hair, she's really kind, doesn't believe in the word 'hate', really pretty-"

"Oi!" I nudged him.

"What?! She is, I'm not going to deny that." Fred shrugged.

"James you definitely like her if you're getting that defensive about her." Uncle George piped up from where he was sat.

"Maybe I do." I told them slowly, blushing again.

"Right, we definitely have to meet her. If she's making you blush then she must be special." Mum grinned.

"What about our New Year's Eve party?" Lily grinned.

"What?!" I cried.

"That's an excellent idea Lily!" Mum smiled.

Every year, Mum and Dad held a huge New Years Eve Party and Grandad James' parent's old mansion that had been left to Dad in Grandad James' will. Dad didn't want to live there, but it was an excellent place to hold the party. We used it every year for our New Years Eve celebrations.

"Well if you want me to invite Amber, you've got to let me invite Tanner, Cassie, Nadia and Kieran. It'll look weird if I just invite Amber." I told them.

"Invite all of their families, we like meeting new people." Mum smiled.

"Er okay." I replied.

It looked like I'd be spending New Years Eve with Amber.


Once we had returned home later that day, I gave the family names to Mum and she wrote out the invitations. As she had invited the whole families of each of my friends, it suddenly dawned on me that I'd have to meet Amber's parent's too.

The Chamberlin family were fairly well known in the Wizarding World. Amber's father, Daniel Chamberlin, worked alongside the Minster of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt who also happened to be a good friend of my Dad's. The Chamberlin were rich and I knew that Amber's parent's liked to flaunt their money, unlike their children and especially Amber. She was nothing like them.

I took the invitations and grabbed a roll of parchment, ready to write a small letter to Amber. I promised that I'd write after all.

Dear Amber,

I hope you've been enjoying your Christmas so far, mine's been okay but I'm also looking forward to going back to Hogwarts. It's been fairly quiet without Kyle and my Aunt Taylor this Christmas.

Enclosed is an invitation for you and your family inviting you all to our annual New Years Eve Party. Mum and Dad decided that they want to meet all of my friends and their families so you're all invited to come. I hope you can!

I hope you liked your present, see you next week maybe.

James Potter

I quickly closed the envelope so that I couldn't try and change the letter and then gave it to Dad's Owl that was perched on my windowsill. I gave him a treat and he flew off into the night with Amber's letter.

I was definitely not looking forward to next week.


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