Chapter 21

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Amber Chamberlin

"How are you feeling today darling?" Mum walked into my hospital room holding two cups of coffee from the cafe downstairs.

"The same as every other day Mum, I just want to go home. I feel fine." I sighed, rolling my eyes and taking the coffee off of her.

"Amber, the doctors still think that you've got this curse thing inside of you and they're still doing research." Mum told me, taking the seat beside my bed.

"Mum I feel one hundred percent me, no curse is trying to take over my body. I just want to go back to school and be back with my friends. Gosh i'm probably missing so much work!" I cried. I was not looking forward to catching up on the work that I had missed.

"Well I have some good news for you, Headmistress McGonagall has allowed your friends to come and see you today. So i'll be heading down to reception in a few moments to go and get them." She told me with a smile.

"Oh thank you Mum!" I grinned. Words couldn't describe how much I had missed James, Nadia, Cassie, Tanner, Kyle and Fred. I hated sitting in the hospital day in, day out without them.

"That's okay darling, i'll head down and bring them up here now." Mum smiled. She then left, leaving me grinning and then suddenly worrying about my appearance.

I quickly fumbled around in my side draw, looking for a mirror. I eventually found one and sighed when I realised that I looked okay. I had no make up on but that didn't matter, at least I looked okay.

"AMBER!" Nadia and Cassie were the first to dart into the room, throwing their arm's around me. I smiled and put one arm around each one of them.

"What are you both crying for?!" I laughed a little as I felt their tear's drop on to my shoulder's.

"We thought you were dead Amber! It was horrible seeing you like that! Never do that to us again!" Cassie cried, pulling away and taking the seat beside my bed whilst stood back to let James and Kyle hug me.

"Never ever do that to me again." James spoke in my ear as he hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry." I told him, leaning into him.

"You're sorry? Whoever did this to you should be sorry Chamberlin! When we found out who it is then i'm going to kick them into the next century and back!" Tanner quickly shoved James out of the way and hugged me before Kyle could.

"No i'm sorry for making you all worry." I told them.

"Well we worried a lot, but you don't need to be sorry Amber! Don't be silly!" Nadia rolled her eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay Amber." Kyle smiled as he hugged me.

"Thank you." I gave him a small smile.

"James was the worst out of all of us, I swear he tried to follow his Dad to work everyday! It's good to see you alive and well again Chamberlin." Fred smiled as he was the last to hug me.

"Thanks Fred." I laughed a little.

"You have a rowdy bunch of friends Amber, but they care a lot. I'm going to go home for a while but Greg's coming later, try not to be too loud." Mum warned them all.

"Of course, thank you Mrs Chamberlin." Nadia smiled.

"Thank you Mrs Chamberlin!" The rest of them chorused as she just shook her head in amusement and left.

"You're Mum is amazing Amber." Tanner grinned.

"She's a good Mum, but her and Dad's view's can be a bit intoxicating sometimes." I shrugged.

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