Chapter 46

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Amber Chamberlin

*2 Years Later* 

It was a gorgeous day and the sun was shining through the double french doors that looked out across the beautiful British Landscape. It seemed that I had picked the perfect date and today I wanted everything to be perfect. 

"Amber?" Nadia poked her head around my bedroom door. 

"Hi." I gave her a nervous smile. 

"Wow, you look amazing. I have such a gorgeous best friend." Nadia smiled walking up behind me and giving me a smile. 

"I hope you're talking about me." Cassie posed in the doorway of my room in her coral pink coloured bridesmaid's dress, her big diamond wedding ring dazzling in the sun on her ring finger. Cassie had married Orin James last December and it was a gorgeous winter wedding that definitely told me that it was Cassie's wedding. It was very over the top. 

"No Cassie, i'm actually talking about the bride." Nadia rolled her eye's at Cassie's chosen pose. 

"Oh fine. I suppose this is your day Amber. You look so amazing." She wandered over to me and walked around my dress taking in how I looked. 

"This feels so weird." I looked at my reflection in the mirror in disbelief. 

"Well Lottie does tend to work miracles." Cassie shrugged. 

I had asked Lottie Windsor to do my hair and make up for my wedding day as this was her chosen profession after she had left Hogwarts. She was amazing at it and after she had done Cassie's hair and make up I had immediately asked her to do mine. 

"Amber do you want your flowers yet?" Adira walked into my room, her smile growing wider as her eye's landed on me. 

"Yes please." I smiled. 

"You look amazing Amber." She smiled, giving me a small hug. 

"Girls! I want a bride and bridesmaid's photo!" Mum walked into the room shouting for everyone to come in. I had chosen Nadia, Cassie, Adira, Jenna, Lily and Lottie as my bridesmaids. Six was just the perfect amount for me and all six girls were very close to me. Jenna, Lily and Lottie all rushed in so that Mum could take a photo. 

"Oh wow, I can't believe the last of my babies is getting married!" Mum gushed. 

"Oh Mum stop." I rolled my eyes and gave a small laugh. 

"What time is it? Should we head down now?" Nadia asked looking at the clock. It was ten too one and I was getting married at one o'clock. Suddenly the nerves started kicking in. 

"Right! Everyone move we need to be down stairs!" Cassie called ushering everyone out. Nadia, Adira, Cassie, Jenna and Lottie all followed my Mum out of the door whilst I turned around to take one last look in the mirror and a deep breath. 

"I just want to say you look amazing Amber. I couldn't think of a better person to be my sister-in-law. Okay I like Eleanor but i've known you longer and you were there for me at Hogwarts. My brother is so lucky. Thank you for making me your maid of honour." She smiled and hurried forward to give me a hug. 

"Aw Lily." I smiled, close to tears. 

"Oh my god don't cry!" Lily cried, pulling away and looking me in the face. 

"Sorry I won't." I laughed. 

"We better go otherwise Nadia will kill me for holding you up." She grinned. I nodded and took a deep breath, following her out of the door. 

All of my bridesmaids, Mum and Greg were waiting downstairs at the door into the reception room when me and Lily arrived downstairs. 

"Thank god! I thought you'd got cold feet!" Nadia cried. 

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