Chapter 25

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Tanner Jordan (A/N: Yay first one!:D)

Why did she have to be so damn beautiful? This was definitely going to ruin my reputation if anyone ever found out the feelings that I had for her. The troublemaker and the nerd, whoever would've matched that?

Nadia Lovera was something else and it had taken me till our Sixth year to actually realise that I had those sort of feelings for her. From her gorgeous cherry red hair to her bright blue eyes, Nadia was perfection and only a fool could say that she wasn't. Damn I'm starting to sound like James and his obsession with Amber.

"Mr Jordan, I dint think the answer of my question lies on the back of Miss Lovera's head, please pay attention." Professor Birkley, our Muggle Studies teacher, quickly brought me down from my daydream.

"Sorry Professor." I blushed looking down at the table. I could tell that she was looking over here and I didn't want to make eye contact with her, that would just make it awkward.

"Mate what's going on with you?" James asked me in a quiet whisper from his seat next to me.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I quickly shook James off. There was no way that I was telling him. James looked unsure but he shook his head a little and turned back to face the black board where Professor Birkley was talking about World War II.

I snuck a glance back over at Nadia to find Amber smirking at me from her seat beside Cassie. Damn you Amber and your logic. She had cottoned on to the fact that I liked Nadia at the end of last year when I had finally realised my feelings. Since then she had done nothing but tease me about them and it was so annoying. It annoyed me sometimes knowing just how well Amber knew me.

After the bell had rung we all made our way to the Great Hall for lunch. We were only midway through classes today and I was already getting annoyed.

"Find something interesting on the back of Nadia's head then Tanner?" Amber joined me as we walked to the Great Hall.

"Shut up Amber." I rolled my eyes.

"Tanner, maybe you should just talk to her, it'll solve your problem?" She suggested.

"I can't, I just can't." I sighed. What I really wanted to say was 'I can't because of Cassie.' Cassie was the very first person to know about my feelings towards Nadia as she had asked me out once and I had to tell her no. When she asked me why I told her that I liked somebody else, somebody quite close to her and she guessed that it was Nadia. Naturally she was heartbroken because I preferred one of her best friends over her and she promised me she wouldn't tell anyone. However, since then she had been nothing but bitter towards me and I didn't want to talk to Nadia about my feelings because I knew that it'd just hurt Cassie.

"I'll let you deal with this yourself but I know you know that what I'm saying is right." Amber told me before walking over to James and taking his hand, giving him a sweet smile. Their relationship was so beautiful, it was actual real life goals. If only I could be as happy as James and Amber with a special someone.

"What's wrong Tanner?" Our new friend Adira Kinsey took Amber's place at the side of me. Great, even Adira could tell when there was something wrong with me and I'd only known her a few days!

"Nothing Ads, just in a bad mood today but I'll be okay." I shrugged, giving Adira a small smile. We'd all really gotten to know Adira and it was great to have a new member of our friendship group. Amber was really fond of her and James had told me that they were like best friends already.

"Are you sure?" Adira asked me, looking unsure about my answer.

"Yeah I promise." I told her, throwing her a wider smile.

"Okay good! Ooh! I've got to ask Fred and Kyle something!" She stated like she had suddenly remembered something. With that she headed over to Fred and Kyle who were talking in quiet whispers. What were they up to?

"Tanner, if this is about Nads you just need to talk to her." Cassie appeared behind me.

"Cassidy it isn't that easy." I sighed rubbing my temples in frustration. I wished that people would stop asking me about it.

"Tanner yes it is! This is Nadia we're talking about." Cassie rolled her eye's.

"She doesn't even see me like that Cass, I'd be stupid to say something." I replied, sighing as I watched Nadia laugh at something Adira had said along with James and Amber.

"Actually I think Nadia would be impressed if you said something about your feelings, come on Tanner, you're the most confident person I know." Cassie sighed.

"Do you still like me?" I asked with a sigh.

"Do I really have to answer that?" She sighed, looking down at the floor.

"That's a yes then." I told her. Cassie didn't reply, she just wandered quickly over to Adira to start a conversation.

There was no way that I was going to say something to Nadia about my feelings for her whilst Cassie still liked me. It would kill her and Cassie was one of my best friends. I wouldn't hurt her just by telling Nadia how I felt.

'But you're hurting yourself' I really hated that little voice in my head.

Hurting myself was the risk that I was going to have to face.

Woo Tanner's POV!

I'm sorry it's short but I just wanted you all to have a little insight as to what's going on in Tanner's mind!

I don't have a ship name for Tanner and Nadia yet so....get thinking guys!;)

Thank you for reading!

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