Chapter 42

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Amber Chamberlin

It had been a few weeks since the attack at Kings Cross happened and James and the Aurors had been working tirelessly to find out who 'ETR' was and to stop his followers from harming people and from targeting Hogwarts. 

According to Lily, who had sent me two letters since she started her year at Hogwarts, had said that Hogwarts was apparently on lockdown. The student's weren't allowed to Hogsmeade like they usually would be at this time of the year, they could only send a limited amount of letters that had to be checked and they were't allowed outside of the castle walls. It sounded like some sort of prison. 

"Good morning sunshine." Cassie smiled as I sat down beside her outside the small coffee shop that we had decided to meet at. It was apparently the only part of London that Cassie liked so myself, Nadia and Adira had all agreed to meet Cassie here. 

"Good morning." I smiled in return. 

"I'm surprised you had time in your busy schedule to meet up with us all Amber Chamberlin." Cassie grinned jokingly. 

"Well with everything going on I haven't been working as much cause James really needs me. His Dad is being scrutinised by the Daily Prophet saying he's the cause of this war and all of this waiting." I rolled my eyes. 

My parents had always been big believers that Harry Potter was the saviour of the Wizarding War back in May 1998 and had always said that they didn't believe that Harry was the cause of the war. Harry was not the evil one, Voldemort and his followers were and they brought the war to the world. The exact same was happening right now and I believed in the same things that they had always taught myself, Greg and Jenna. 

"The Prophet is ridiculous. We all know Harry Potter has had enough drama in his life to want to start another Wizarding War. If anyone believes that they are deluded." Cassie pursed her red lips into a thin line and took a sip of her coffee. 

"Well exactly." I shrugged. 

"Hello." Adira smiled kindly, taking a seat beside me. 

"Adira Kinsey! It's been far too long!" Cassie cried, pulling her in for a hug. 

"I know i'm sorry! I just love France." Adira smiled. 

"No, you love who's in France." Cassie winked. 

"Where's Nadia? She's hardly ever late?" I asked, looking down at my watch and furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. 

"God knows." Cassie shrugged. 

"I'm sorry i'm late, Tanner was being a pain this morning." Nadia rolled her eyes and sat down. 

"Nadia I love how you talk about Tanner like he's your son." Adira laughed a little.

"Sometimes it's like he is! I swear he still thinks he's four years old!" Nadia rolled her eyes again, setting her handbag down on the floor. 

"I really don't know how you put up with him." I laughed. Tanner sure was a an eccentric sort of person. Nadia and Tanner were completely different people but somehow their relationship worked. They reminded me of Taylor and Mattie Windsor. Taylor had such a wild character whereas Mattie was more laid back. Tanner and Nadia were completely the same. 

"How's James' search going?" Nadia asked, turning to me. 

"Not well. Him and Harry are constantly stressed and they're not getting any closer to the answer that they are looking for." I sighed. I'd never seen James this stressed before in his life. 

"Well let's just hope that everything turns out okay." Adira gave me a reassuring smile. 

We all nodded in agreement although we all knew that something was coming and it wasn't going to be pretty when it came.

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