Chapter 20

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Amber Chamberlin

*The night of the party*

Words couldn't explain how happy I was. How did I ever not notice before that I had such strong feelings for James Potter? I was extremely blind to them and when I kissed him every single one of those emotions that I held for him flooded out of me and finally made me realise.

I was in love with James Potter.

Wow, that sounded extremely weird and I would've laughed in someone's face if they'd have told me that i'd be dating James Potter in the past few years.

"I knew you'd finally see sense Amber! Ahhh I'm so happy for you!" Cassie squealed once James, Fred and Kyle had all disappeared to find their family.

"Thanks Cass." I laughed, giving her yet another hug.

"It's about time Chamberlin, Jamsie has been chasing you for months." Tanner rolled his eyes, leaning in to give me a hug. 

"Well I didn't notice." I shrugged. 

"How did you not notice?!" Cassie cried. 

"I don't know." I admitted, laughing at Cassie's expression. 

"We better go, our families will be wondering where we are." Nadia told us. 

"Happy new year guys, see you later." I told them, turning to head over to where I could see Mother, Father, Jenna and Greg stood. 

"Happy new year, love you all." Cassie smiled before dashing away. I nodded once to Nadia and Tanner before hurrying in the direction of my family. 

"Amber?" I was suddenly stopped by a familiar voice. 

"Kieran? I thought you weren't coming?" I turned, facing Kieran who looked like he had missed out on a lot of sleep. 

"Well I did, I need to talk to you for a moment." He told me, showing no emotion on his face. 

"Kieran, it's nearly time for the countdown I need to go to my family." I told him, ready to walk over to them before I was suddenly stopped by Kieran grabbing my wrist. 

"No, I need to talk to you now Amber." He told me, keeping a firm grip on my wrist. 

"Kieran please, you're hurting me." I desperately tried to pull my wrist out of his grip. 

"Come on Amber, stop whining." 


"Kieran, I need to be with my family!" I protested as he pulled me towards the corridor where I had previously spoken to James. 


"Amber, stop struggling!" He cried, now grabbing my upper arm and dragging me away. How had no one noticed this?! 


Once we made it into the corridor, Kieran shoved me so that I went crashing down to the floor, laying on my back and looking up in horror at the person who had been my best friend not too long ago. Why was he doing this? 


"Kieran please! It's New Years Eve, I want to be with my family!" I cried, trying to stand up before Kieran suddenly pointed his wand at me, making me suddenly freeze. 


"Master, I have her right where we need her." Kieran spoke to nobody in particular, just thin air. 


"Kieran I think you need to see a therapist, you're going mental. Please just let me-" 

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