Chapter 38

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Amber Chamberlin
*3 Years Later*

"Chamberlin! Are you in here?!" Tanner Jordan's voice yelled through the apartment just as the door slammed shut behind him.
"Obviously Tanner, I asked you to come here at six." I rolled my eyes and fastened my earring before walking out into the sitting room where Tanner had made himself comfortable on the sofa.
"Alright! Someone's moody today." Tanner watched me with furrowed eyebrows as I grabbed a coffee shot glass from the cupboard and filled it.
"Yeah well you would be too if you had been up since five this morning." I answered, downing the shot of coffee.
"You know that James wouldn't mind if you didn't come you know. He knows how tired you get from work." Tanner looked at me with concern.
"Tanner, I may be tired but I haven't seen my boyfriend for three weeks. There's no way that I'm missing out on seeing him and on his birthday as well." I told him as I walked over to the sofa and sat beside him to pull my shoes on.
"Should've known you'd say that. Are you ready?" He asked standing up.
"Yeah." I smiled slightly. Tanner nodded once and walked towards the door.
"How long was your shift today then Chamberlin?" He asked as he pulled the door open and stepped out into the corridor.
"Eleven hours." I replied with a slight yawn.
"How do you even function?" He looked at me in bewilderment as I locked the door behind me and followed him down the stairs.
"You know that I love my job and I expect long working hours." I shrugged.
"I know but these hours are every day Amber, that's not normal." Tanner told me matter of factly.
"Where are we meeting Kyle and Fred?" I asked, quickly changing the subject. Nadia, Cassie, Tanner and James all told me that the hours I worked at St Mungos were inhuman but they didn't understand that I loved my job and I would work any amount of hours to see people fit and healthy again.
"Outside Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." Tanner answered, narrowing his eyes at me for changing the subject.

Today it was James' twentieth birthday and he had been away with the Aurors for three weeks chasing down a lead that could lead to Death Eaters. Myself, James, Tanner, Nadia, Cassie, Adira, Fred and Kyle had all agreed to meet at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade for James' birthday so that we could see him and celebrate his birthday.

After myself and Tanner had walked down the two streets that lead to Diagon Alley from my apartment we made it through the Leaky Cauldron and the wall to see Fred and Kyle stood outside the joke shop looking around nervously as if something was about to attack them. Ever since it had gotten out that there had been a sighting of Death Eaters people had become nervous and wouldn't like to leave the house. Right now, it was quarter past six in the evening and Diagon Alley would usually be bustling with people but it was empty.
"It's about time!" Fred exclaimed, looking down at his watch and rolling his eyes.
"We're not even late Fred stop worrying." I rolled my eyes as we joined the two boys.
"I've never seen Diagon Alley this quiet at this time of the day." Kyle looked around and watched as two witches quickly hurried through the alley and into the Leaky Cauldron.
"Yeah and I don't like it so let's go." Fred ushered quickly holding his hand out for us all to take. I rolled my eyes and took his hand along with Tanner and Kyle and then we were spinning until we landed thankfully on our feet in Hogsmeade Village.

It had been a while since I had last visited Hogsmeade, my job meant that I didn't have a lot of time to go different places and spend time away from home. However, Hogsmeade hadn't changed one bit. It was still the same quaint little village with its same little shops.
"Amber are you coming or are you just going to stand outside?" Fred knocked me out of my thoughts as he looked at me with an amused grin.
"I'm coming." I replied quickly, following the three boys inside the Three Broomsticks.
Nadia, Cassie, Adira and James were already sat at a table when we entered so we quickly made our way over to their table and took seats.

"It took you all long enough." James grinned as I kissed his cheek and took the seat next to him.
"It was Amber's fault." Tanner shrugged.
"Hang on we're not blaming this on me! We're only a few minutes late." I rolled my eyes.
"Anyway...Happy Birthday James!" Tanner quickly changed the subject obviously not wanting to get on my bad side tonight.
"Thanks mate." James laughed a little.
"How's the job going?" Kyle asked.
"You know that I can't really tell you anything, but at the minute it's a bit dead. We haven't found anymore leads since. They'll probably be sending us home soon." James shrugged.
"Has your Dad been out with you this time James?" Cassie asked.
"No, he's been doing paperwork for us from home. I don't think Mum wants him going on long trips like this anymore." He replied.
"How was work today Amber?" Nadia asked.
"Busy." I sighed, resting my head in my hands. I worked in the Accident and Emergency department at St Mungos and it was a highly demanding job which meant that I was busy all of the time.
"Our little Dr Chamberlin." Tanner ruffled my hair a little.
"Tanner don't annoy her." Nadia told him sternly.
"Sorry Nads." Tanner quickly removed his hand and stayed quiet. Nadia had such a control over him and it was great to see that someone could finally tame Tanner Jordan.
"How many hours did you work today?" James asked, taking my hand and looking at me with worry.
"Eleven." I mumbled. James hated it when I worked really long hours because I would be so exhausted. I was dreading that question.
"Eleven?! The only place you should be right now is in bed." He told me, sighing a little.
"And miss out on seeing you, no way. I'll be fine." I shrugged. He looked at me with worry once more before kissing my cheek and turning to listen to Kyle, Tanner and Fred's conversation about some creature that Tanner had caught at work in the cellar.

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