Chapter 13

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James Potter

"Goodnight Amber." I told her with a smile, I then did the stupidest but greatest thing that I've ever done in my life. I leant forward and pressed my lips against her cheek before bounding up the stairs and around the corner so that I was out of sight.

I leant against the wall, shocked at what I had just done. My lips were still tingling from the way that her soft skin felt beneath my lips and I kept dabbing my finger against them ever so often, trying to remember why I had done that. I was so stupid! She was never going to like me back now! She probably though that I was joking around with her and we'd never become good friends, never mind get into a relationship! Stupid move Potter.

"Mate, what are you doing stood out here looking like you've just seen a ghost?" Kyle was stood in the doorway to our dormitory with a smirk on his face.

"I'm coming in now." I told him, pushing past him and entering the room where Tanner and Fred were sat on the bed's opposite each other and laughing at something the other person had said.

"James! You're back! Did you have fun with Amber?" Tanner wiggled his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes and sat down on my own bed.

"I've been stupid Tanner." I replied with a sigh.

"What? Why?!" Tanner, Fred and Kyle were now all looking at me worriedly, waiting for me to continue.

"I kissed her." I sighed.

"What?!" Tanner cried, charging forward and sitting next to me on my bed.

"Only on the cheek Tanner, calm down." I rolled my eyes.

"That's good, is it not?" Fred asked, looking confused.

"No it isn't, Lily gave me some advice today." I told them.

"Lily as in your sister Lily?" Tanner asked.

"Yes, Nadia sent her to find me and she did and gave me some advice."

"Nadia's smarter than we think, she really knows when something's wrong." Kyle told us.

"She is. Anyway, Lily told me that I should become friends with her first, good friends. She'll trust me then and I would be in a better position at getting a chance with her." I explained what Lily had told me earlier that day.

"She's smart that sister of yours, I suppose that's true really." Tanner nodded his head in agreement.

"But I've just gone and blown it by kissing her on the cheek." I told them with a sigh.

"It could be seen as a friendly gesture though James." Fred shrugged.

"I doubt it Fred, she's probably guessed by now." I replied.

"Nadia and Cassie would encourage her to guess as well. But she may have just seen it as a nice gesture." Tanner nodded his head once.

"You'll only really know tomorrow, pay attention to how she acts around you, then you'll know whether she's mad with you or happy." Kyle shrugged.

"Where do you all get this information about girls from?" I laughed a little, looking around at all of my friends.

"Mate, I have two older sisters, you pick things up over the years." Tanner shrugged.

"You'll have it again when Alice is old enough to come to Hogwarts too." Fred laughed at him.

Tanner had a very large family tree, he was part Italian from his Father, but his Mother was British. I had only met his two older sisters Koren and Ally twice, his younger brother, West, was a few years younger than us in Albus' year and his little sister Alice had just turned nine.

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