Chapter 6

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Amber Chamberlin

September soon turned into October and Halloween was just around the corner. Every student was always extremely excited for Halloween except myself. I disliked it. Why have a day that's just dedicated to scaring people to death. It's just a pointless day.

"Amber! What are you wearing for Aidan Douglas' party?" Cassie burst into the common room slowly followed by Nadia.

"I already told you I'm not going Cassie, I don't like Halloween so it's pointless." I shrugged. Aidan Douglas, a sixth year Ravenclaw, was holding a Halloween party in the Ravenclaw Common Room at midnight on Halloween and myself, Cassie, Nadia, James, Tanner, Fred, Kyle and Kieran had been invited.

"Oh Amber! It's going to be amazing!" Cassie cried, looking at me like I was mad.

"Cass if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have too." Nadia rolled her eyes, sitting down on her bed.

"You're coming aren't you Nads?" Cassie turned to her.

"I'm still thinking about it." Nadia told her.

"What?! Oh come on you two! It'll be fun, I promise that we don't have to stay for long." Cassie begged us both. I looked over at Nadia who just shrugged at me.

"I don't know Cass, you know that I'm not keen on Aidan." I sighed. Aidan Douglas had always been very cocky, much worse than Tanner was and he always tried to flirt with everyone and everything that moved.

"Just stay away from him besides, James is going." She gave me a cheeky grin.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh you know that he'll practically rip Aidan's voice box out if he even goes near you." Cassie winked sitting on the end of my bed.

"That's a load of rubbish Cass, I've told you hundreds of times that he doesn't like me like that and I certainly don't like him like that!" I told her.

"Of Amber, one day you'll stop denying it." Nadia laughed.

"Whatever." I sighed. I definitely didn't like James.

"You have to admit that he isn't annoying you as much though?" Cassie looked at me.

"He isn't as annoying as he has been in previous years, but I don't like him like that!" I told her whilst the two of them snickered at me.

"Alright then Chamberlin, keep telling yourself that." Cassie grinned and then climbed off my bed and walked into the bathroom.

"I will because it's true!" I called after her, a frown on my face.

Later that evening, the three of us made our way down to the Common Room to do some studying before dinner. James, Tanner, Fred and Kyle where all sat having a heated discussion with their heads together.

"What are you four doing?" Cassie asked as we sat around them.

"Probably making plans to cause more trouble." I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Amber! How could you think of us like that?!" Tanner turned away from the group and drastically held a hand against his heart.

"You're always causing trouble Tanner Jordan." I laughed as he sat beside me, grinning.

"If you must know Miss Chamberlin, we're making plans to cause trouble at Aidan Douglas' Halloween party." Tanner grinned.

"Tanner, you weren't meant to tell anyone!" James rolled his eyes, taking a seat on the other side of me.

"See what I mean, always causing trouble you boys." I shrugged my shoulders and leant back in my seat.

"We like causing trouble Ambs, that's what we do." Fred shrugged, sitting in an arm chair across from Nadia and Cassie.

"Whatever. What are you boys going as?" Cassie asked them excitedly.

"I was thinking Dracula." James shrugged.

"The joker." Fred grinned evilly.

"I've no idea yet." Kyle told us honestly.

"Probably a Hippogriff." Tanner shrugged as if it was nothing.

"A Hippogriff?!" Cassie cried and then immediately burst out laughing with the rest of us.

"Well! I want to make a statement!" Tanner shrugged, a smile playing on his lips.

"Tanner I think you'd make a great Hippogriff." Nadia told him, whilst still laughing.

"Nadia and Amber say they aren't going anyway." Cassie sat back against the sofa with her arm's crossed.

"What?! Why are you both not coming?!" Tanner cried jumping out of his seat and looking bewildered at myself and Nadia.

"I don't like Halloween Tanner, you know that." I shrugged.

"But it's a party Amber! It's going to be great!" Tanner grinned.

"You should come, it will be fun." James smiled at me.

"And you Nads! You're not sitting in your dormitory and being boring for the whole night! You two are coming and that's final." Tanner told us sitting back down again.

"Gee thanks Tanner, I'm not that boring!" Nadia protested.

"Tanner, you don't get to say whether or whether not we're going to a party." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I do!" Tanner told me, raising his eyebrow. I rolled my eyes again and sat in silence for a while, thinking it over.

"Fine I'll go, but not for long. You now how much I dislike Aidan Douglas." I sighed, defeated.

"Yes! Don't worry, Jamsie will look after you won't you mate?" Tanner winked at James.

"I dislike him just as much Amber don't worry." James shrugged.

"Yay it's going to be great! You're coming too right Nads?" Cassie grinned excitedly. She knew that Tanner would talk myself and Nadia into going to the party and that was why she mentioned it. She could be very very clever sometimes.

"Well I might as well now that Ambers going." Nadia rolled her eyes.

"Yes!" Tanner and Cassie fist pumped.

"You two can be so persuasive when you want to be." Kyle rolled his eyes at Cassie and Tanner.

"They're evil, the ways they use to persuade people." Fred shook his head.

"That's Tanner and Cassie for you." James shrugged whilst the Cassie and Tanner grinned at each other triumphantly.

It looked like I really was going to Aidan Douglas' Halloween party.


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