Chapter 3

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James Potter

"James, I think you're making it obvious." Tanner nudged me in the ribs making me immediately fall down from my daydream.

"I'm done caring Tanner." I told him truthfully.

"Then why don't you tell her?" He asked in a whisper as Professor Slughorn had just looked our way.

"I don't know how! She hates me mate, she'd probably punch me." I shrugged. It was true and everyone knew it. Amber Chamberlin hated me no matter how much I liked her. I didn't know how not to annoy her because I always seemed too.

"She probably would, I wouldn't put anything past her. If she didn't punch you, Greg probably would." Tanner shrugged.

"Do you see my problem?" I asked him with a sigh.

"As clear as day mate." He replied with a nod.

"Jordan! Potter! Please listen in my class!" Professor Slughorn had finally caught us talking. Slughorn was never stern with us because he was great friends with my Dad. He just told us off lightly.

"Sorry Professor." I told him apologetically.

"Now will you all please stand at the back as you will be assigned seats and partners for potions this year." Slughorn told us all. Myself and Tanner sighed and joined Nadia and Amber at the back of the classroom.

"I better not be sat with some Slytherin." Amber sighed, looking disgustingly at Kayla Parkinson who gave her a sneer back.

"You might be sat with me Amber." Tanner winked at her. He really did my head in sometimes when he flirted with her even though I knew he was only joking.

"Oh gosh that's worse." Amber's eye's widened in horror as myself and Nadia laughed along with her.

"I'm hurt." Tanner held a hand to his heart and sniffed a little to pretend he was crying.

"Jordan! I won't tell you again." Professor Slughorn reminded him. We all snickered at Tanner as he pointed between himself and Amber and threw his arm's up in defeat.

"Be quiet Tanner." Nadia told him in a whisper, rolling her eyes at him.

"The partners for this year will be girl boy as usual and they will be within houses. I will read out my list now and you will make your way to your table in the order that I read the list. Tara Zabini and Daniel Goyle, Isabelle Farah and Jamie Simpson, Penny Lane and Kyle Windsor, (A/N: Taylor and Mattie's son if anyone remembers) Penelope Flint and Marcus Drew, Loretta Evans and Jeremy Hunt, Kayla Parkinson and Henry Gilbert, Nadia Lovera and Tanner Jordan and finally Amber Chamberlin and James Potter." As soon as Slughorn said our names I was grinning like a mad person. I was going to be sat next to Amber in Potions for the rest of the year and that was everyday.

"Oh no." Amber groaned, throwing her head back as she walked over to the last remaining table at the back of the room. Yep, she definitely still hated me.

"Why do you hate me so much Amber?" I asked her as we sat down.

"I don't hate you James, that's a strong word. I just strongly dislike you." She told me, making sure she was still looking at Slughorn so that she wouldn't get told off. Amber liked to be on the good side of our teachers.

"Okay then, why do you strongly dislike me?" I asked her. I really wanted to know why I annoyed her so much.

"Because you're so annoying! You just taunt me all the time and it's so annoying. Why do you care so much anyway?" She asked me, raising her eyebrow.

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