Chapter 2

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Amber Chamberlin

"Amber get up, you're so damn lazy......Nads, she's not getting up."

"There's nothing I can do about it Cass, she's really lazy as it is. She's nearly impossible to wake up."

"But we have classes today!"

"It's not my fault if she missed them."

"Maybe I should get James, Tanner and Fred..."

"Actually that's a really good idea-"

"I'm up!" I quickly shot out of bed and grabbed my clothes from off of the top of my trunk. I then proceeded to the bathroom to change. There was no way Nadia and Cassie were letting James, Tanner and Fred into our dormitory. They'd taunt me for weeks!

"Well that woke her up." I heard Cassie comment. What they didn't know was that I wasn't actually asleep, I was just trying to have a lie in.

"She very much dislikes those three boys Cass, it doesn't surprise me." Nadia replied. She knew me too well.

"I don't understand why she doesn't say she hates them." I could mentally see Cassie furrowing her eyebrows in thought.

"Because Cassidy, hate is a very strong word that I don't like to use." I told her as I exited the bathroom fully dressed, make up applied and hair done ready to go.

"How the heck do you get ready so fast?!" Nadia cried, looking between me and the bathroom.

"I have my ways." I winked.

"You're a strange girl Amber Chamberlin." Cassie watched me as I picked up my bag and headed for the door.

"Why thank you Cassidy Harris." I replied, opening the door and walking down the steps with Cassie and Nadia following slowly behind.

"Good morning beautiful ladies!" Tanner cried as soon as we reached the bottom step.

"Good morning Tanner." Cassie chirped happily.

"Have you seriously been stood there waiting for us to come down the stairs Tanner?" I rolled my eyes and sat down next to James who seemed to be very deep in thought.

"Of course I was." Tanner shrugged, taking a seat in an armchair across from myself and James.

"Why are we friends with you Tanner Jordan?" Nadia rolled her eyes and took a seat on the arm of his chair.

"Because you love me too much Nads!" He grinned with a wink.

"No but I know somebody who-"

"You're quiet this morning James!" Cassie loudly cut Nadia off. Nadia loved to tease Cassie about her feelings for Tanner although she hadn't actually admitted it to us. She was just so obvious.

"You are actually what's wrong?" Fred agreed as he walked down the stairs from the boy's dormitories followed by Kieran.

"Nothing, I'm just deep in thought." James replied with a shrug.

"We can see that Jamsie! Is it about a certain blonde haired green eyed girl that I won't mention the name of?" Tanner asked with a smirk. Cassie laughed a little whilst Nadia snorted, Kieran looked down at the floor and Fred grinned. What where they laughing about?

"Shut up Tanner." He groaned.

"Just tell her how you feel James!" Nadia cried, rolling her eyes.

"Wait, do you all know something I don't know?" I looked around at them all confusedly. Why did they all know something and I didn't?

"My dear Amber, you're so clueless, come on Nads, Cass, we'll go down to breakfast." Tanner rolled his eyes and pulled me up off of the sofa along with James.

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