Chapter 14

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Amber Chamberlin

Christmas came around quickly that year, it seemed like we had only been at Hogwarts for two minutes before it came to the day we would all be going home for Christmas.

"What are you doing this Christmas Nads?" Cassie asked with a smile from across the dormitory.

"Not much, it's just going to be me, Mum, Dad and Reeva this year, my Grandparents are going to Italy to be with some of our family over there." Nadia smiled. "What about you?"

"We're spending Christmas with the Daniels side of the family, Mums side. We're all going to my grandparents house." She smiled. It turned out that Kyle's Mother and Cassie's Mother were cousins, making them third cousins to each other. They would be spending Christmas together that year.

"What are you doing Amber?" Nadia asked.

"Mothers having her parents and sister over this year, so all of them are staying at our house." I sighed. Mothers sister, Elena Coupe lived in France and she had two daughters named Clarissa and Kyla. They were both nice people, but it meant that I had to share a room with possibly Kyla whilst they stayed. I hardly got any sleep.

"Are you three done packing yet?" Tanner poked his head around our dormitory door.

"Tanner! How did you get up here?!" Nadia cried, rushing to the door.

"James used a levitation charm." He shrugged.

"We're not finished yet Tanner, you'll have to wait." Cassie rolled her eyes.

Lately it seemed that Cassie was losing her patience very quickly with Tanner. She had obviously moved on from the idea of being in a relationship with him very quickly.

"Fine. We'll wait downstairs." Tanner replied with a shrug.

"Cass, what's up with you and Tanner lately?" I turned to her after Tanner had floated back down the stairs.

"I've just given up on him, what's the point. I'm not who he wants." She shrugged, not looking at me.

"Have you spoken to him about it?" Nadia asked, turning away from her packing as she had finished.

"Yes. He's working on getting someone else and it's not me so I've given up on trying to get him to like me back in that way." Cassie shrugged. She then turned back around and closed her trunk. She had obviously done packing.

"Cass, did he tell you who?" I asked her after a few moments of silence.

"Yes." Cassie simply replied, not turning around to face either of us.

"Amber, Nadia, Cassie, it's time to go down to breakfast, the train leaves in an hour." Lily Potter opened the door, giving us all a small smile.

"Did Tanner send you?" Nadia narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, but Yasmin Atters, the prefect said that too." Lily shrugged.

"Okay, thank you Lily. We'll be down in a minute." I smiled. She nodded once and then closed the door, heading back down to the common room.

"Come on, we better go." Cassie told us, standing up and walking in the same direction as Lily just had.

"She knows something but she won't tell us." I told Nadia with a sigh.

"I know. We'll give her some time." Nadia sighed. I fastened the lock on my trunk and followed Nadia out of our dormitory door. The trunks and all other belongings were taken down to the train ready for it leaving.

"Finally!" Tanner cried once we entered the common room.

"Where's Cassie?" I asked, looking around for her.

"She went without saying a word down to breakfast probably." Kyle shrugged.

"What's wrong with her?" James asked as we made our way through the portrait hole.

"We don't know." I replied with a sigh.

"I'm sure she'll tell you sooner or later." James told me reassuringly.

"I hope so."

As the train was slowly making its way into Kings Cross Station I began to worry. We hadn't seen Cassie at breakfast and she hadn't sat with us on the train either. What was wrong with her? Was it because of Tanner?

"I can't believe she didn't sit with us." Nadia sighed.

"I'm gonna have to send her Christmas present by Owl." I sighed.

"This isn't like Cassie, it's strange." Fred furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Maybe she'll be okay after Christmas when she's had time to clear her head." James suggested.

"I don't understand what we did wrong though." Nadia said with another sigh.

"Tanner, you've been really quiet, what's wrong?" I asked him. I had noticed that Tanner had been quiet for the whole train journey, but I decided not to question it until now.

"Oh I'm fine!" Tanner covered up sadness with a wide grin.

"If you say so." I told him unsure.

"Guys, write this Christmas won't you?" Kyle asked us all.

"Mate, you'll probably see me like every day. I'm surprised you aren't coming for Christmas dinner." James rolled his eyes.

"I think I am. Your Grandma loves us so she usually invites us." Kyle chuckled.

"You'll see me too then." Fred shrugged.

"I didn't mean you two! I meant Tanner, Nadia and Amber." Kyle rolled his eyes.

"I'll write Kyle, don't worry." I told him with a small smile.

"So will I. Christmas is going to be boring this year." Nadia sighed.

"I will too." Tanner smiled.

"Great." Kyle grinned.

As he said this, the train halted to a stop and we all stood up, ready to exit the train.

"I can see my parents, have a good Christmas everyone!" Nadia cried, giving us all a small smile.

"Merry Christmas Nads." Myself and James smiled whilst Kyle, Tanner and Fred all told her different things.

As Tanner left stating that he could see his older sister Koren on the platform, I was about to follow Fred and Kyle out when James grabbed my arm and stopped me for a moment.

"Amber wait, I forgot to give you my present." James told me.

"James you didn't have to get me anything." I told him with a small smile.

"I know but you got me something!" He rolled his eyes with a smile. He passed me a small box with my name written neatly on the tag.

"Thank you." I smiled, placing the box into my jacket pocket.

"Have a nice Christmas Amber." He smiled, before leaving the train to follow Kyle and Fred.

"You too!" I called after him.

I slowly left the train, grabbing my trunk before meeting Greg and Jenna who were surprisingly stood with my Mum.

"Come on Amber, what took you so long?" Greg rolled his eyes.

"Sorry! I was talking to someone." I defended myself.

"Hi honey, how was the start of your year?" Mum gave me a hug and smiled at me as we made our way through the barrier and out of the station.


Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've had an exam and I've been studying hard for it so I've not had any time to do any writing!

What do you all think is going on between Tanner and Cassie? What has Tanner told Cassie about that she can't tell Nadia and Amber? Hmmmmm...;)

Thank you all for reading!

Natalie :)

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