Chapter 40

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Amber Chamberlin

"James! You need to get up now!" I cried, quickly shaking James and looking worriedly at the clock.

Today Teddy and Victoire were getting married and it was very important that we got there in time because James was close family to the couple. However, it seemed that we had slept in for hours and we now only had an hour to get to the wedding.

"James! For god sake!" I cried, shaking him even harder so he'd get up.

"What?!" James groaned, turning over with his eyes still half closed to look at me.

"You need to get up! Teddy and Victoire are getting married in an hour!" I told him, quickly rushing into my wardrobe and grabbing my dress.

"That's still an hour." James groaned, rolling back over.

"James!" I cried. He was really testing my patience. It would look so bad if we turned up at the wedding late.

"Fine I'm getting up!" James cried, sitting up and rubbing his eyes to wake himself up.

"How did we even manage to sleep till one o'clock?!" I cried, quickly starting to curl my hair.

"We were out late last night." James shrugged, climbing out of bed and walking over to the wardrobe to find what he was wearing. He didn't have a rush in him.

"I know but I never sleep till one!" I replied.

"That's because you work early, we'll be fine anyway. We won't be late." James told me, pulling his suit out of the cupboard and sitting back down on the bed.

"James, you might not think we're going to be late but you need to get ready." I rolled my eyes.

"Well you're in the bathroom." He replied.

"Well use the other one!" Sometimes I really wondered if that boy actually had a brain.

"Okay okay! I'm going now!"


It was ten to two when we finally left the apartment and surprise surprise, James was the last one ready because he decided he wanted food halfway through getting ready.

"We really need to hurry up." I sighed, taking James' hand as we stepped outside of the apartment door.

"I know, we'll be there in two minutes." James told me with a somewhat comforting voice.

"Yes, but we were meant to be there five minutes ago!" I hated being late for anything.

James just rolled his eyes and then closed them, thinking of where he wanted to apparate too. I closed my eyes and kept a firm grip on James' hand's until we finally landed outside the Weasley house where James' Mum and her brother's had grown up.

It was such a lovely afternoon for a wedding as the sun was shining and the garden surrounding the wedding marquee looked beautiful. Teddy and Victoire had picked a great day to get married.

We quickly hurried inside where everybody was already sat waiting for the bride, taking seats on the end of the row that Harry, Ginny, Lily and Albus was sat on. James shivered a little under his Mother's accusing glare as the Bridal March began to play and everyone stood to welcome the bride. 

Victoria looked absolutely radiant as she walked down the isle in a beautiful white, shimmering dress. I had always envied Victoire's beauty. At school she had always been the prettiest person in her year and every girl wanted to be her. But everyone knew that her and Teddy Lupin were going to end up together one day and here I was sat at their wedding. 

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