Chapter 9

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Amber Chamberlin

The morning after the party I woke up with a pounding head and in an unfamiliar bed which made me panic straight away. I quickly sat up but ended up lying straight back down again due to my head feeling like it had been bashed against a wall seventy times.

"Woah woah, lay back down Chamberlin, it's Saturday you don't need to worry about missing lessons." Tanner's face appeared as he looked down at me.

"Where am I?" I asked, trying to look around but failing.

"The boys dormitory." Tanner shrugged.

"What! Why?!" I cried.

"Calm down Amber, we're here too." Nadia's voice told me from where she was sat with Cassie

"What happened?!" I demanded.

"James, you explain." Cassie pushed him towards me. James looked at me once and sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed that I was laid on.

"Why do I have to explain?" He asked, looking round at everyone.

"Because you where there!" Nadia cried.

"Okay!" James sighed and turned to face me again.

"Explain." I told him, crossing my arm's over my chest.

"How much do you remember?" He asked me.

"Well I followed Kieran and then he blast me with a spell after he kissed me, that's all I remember." I told him.

"There isn't much to explain then. I followed you after you ran after Kieran I don't know why, I just did. Anyway you argued a little with Kieran and then he yelled at you. He was talking to you about you and me. Anyway he kissed you and then he shot a spell at you and you collided with the wall so I ran to help you. I picked you up and argued with Kieran a little before I walked back to the Common Room. I then realised that I couldn't get you to your dormitory so I carried you up here and put you on my bed. I then waited for the lads to get back and slept on the floor." James shrugged.

"What did you and Kieran argue about?" I asked him.

"You." James shuffled uncomfortably and wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Why?" I asked again.

"It doesn't matter Amber, it's just because we were dancing together." He shrugged.

"Okay." I nodded, not quite believing him.

"James, where did he go?" Nadia asked him.

"I don't know. He just stood there whilst I walked away." James replied with a sigh.

"You didn't have to sleep on the floor James, I was unconscious, I could have." I told him with a small smile.

"I'm not that mean. It doesn't matter anyway." James rolled his eyes at me.

"Thank you." I told him sincerely.

"For what?" He asked with a small laugh.

"For following me. If you hadn't then I would have been there for a while." I replied.

"Don't be silly." James laughed.

"How was your evening with Aidan, Cass?" I turned to her with a smirk.

"Awful, he kept trying to find you. Not that I mind because he's so annoying, but really?" She rolled her eyes.

"You've found yourself a stalker Amber." Kyle spoke from where he was sat in the windowsill.

"Oh great." I groaned.

"Hey, when will she be okay to get back up again?" Fred asked from across from the room.

"Amber, slowly try to lift your head." Nadia instructed me. I followed Nadia's instructions and waited for the pain that usually filled my head when I tried to sit up. However, the pain never came and I was eventually sitting up fully with no pain in my head.

A knock at the door suddenly came. We all looked at each other before Tanner stood up to answer it. When he opened it, my brother Greg came storming in looking very angry.

"You better explain what's going on right now!" Greg cried, grabbing hold of Tanner's collar.

"Greg! Calm down! Nothings happening!" I replied as Kyle tried to pry him off of Tanner's collar.

"Then why are you on Potter's bed?!" He cried, now trying to lash at James.

"Kieran attacked me last night and I was unconscious so James brought me here! You're overreacting!" I cried.

"Why here and not the hospital wing?" Greg narrowed his eyes at myself and James.

"You know that I hate that place." I rolled my eyes. Greg was so overprotective and it got very annoying very quickly.

"What did he do to you, Miles?" Greg asked, sitting down next to me on James' bed. He called nearly everyone by their surnames because he thought it made him seem more intimidating.

"We were having an argument and he to so angry that he shot a spell at me and it made me collide with the wall. I fell unconscious and James found me and brought me here." I told Greg, missing out the part where I went to the party an when Kieran kissed me.

"I swear to merlin when I next see him i'll-"

"You won't do anything. He was angry and it was my fault for aggravating him." I cut off his sentence, worried about where it would go.

"Amber are you serious? He could have killed you?!" James looked at me like I was deranged.

"I'm serious James." I nodded at him.

"When you hit your head it's done something to your brain sis, you're mental." Greg shook his head and stood up.

"Do what I say Greg." I told him sternly.

"Fine. But only because it's what you want." Greg sighed. With that, he gave us all a small wave and left the dormitory.

"Amber, you could get him expelled for this." Nadia told me.

"I don't want to get him expelled Nads. He deserves an education, he only got angry." I told them.

"Amber there's getting angry and then there's being mental. You have to tell someone." Tanner told me.

"I'm not telling anyone and nor or any of you." I looked around at them all for their word that they wouldn't say anything. Cassie, Nadia, Kyle and Fred all nodded once whilst Tanner and James looked hesitant.

"Just promise us that you won't go anywhere alone with him again?" James asked.

"I promise." I told him sincerely. James then nodded and so did Tanner. I didn't want Kieran to get into trouble just because he was angry.

"Let's go to dinner." Fred spoke breaking the silence.

"Let's go I'm starving!" I replied following them out of the dormitory.

"Are you going to go dressed like that?" Cassie asked me, crossing her arm's over her chest. I looked down to find that I was still wearing my costume from the night before.

"We'll go as soon as I'm changed." I replied, following Nadia and Cassie down the stairs of the boys dormitories and up the stairs of the girls so that I could change clothes.

Hopefully all of the drama was over.


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