Chapter 41

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Amber Chamberlin

St Mungos hospital was unbelievably busy on the 1st of September and nobody had any idea why, apparently many witches and wizards wanted to injure themselves today.

"You're very busy today." The elderly witch that I was tending to commented.

"I know it's very strange." I agreed.

"I heard something happened at platform nine and three quarters this morning." She told me.

"Really?" My head snapped up to look at her. That sounded worrying. The Potters and the Weasley's would've been there this morning and I was starting to become increasingly worried, especially with how tense everything was at the moment.

"Yes apparently the platform was took over by-" She began but was suddenly cut off by the curtain opening.

"Dr Chamberlin, your fiancé is at reception, it sounds quite urgent. I'll take over here." Dr Maine told me, a grave look on her face.

"Okay." I nodded at her. "It was nice meeting you Mrs Turner, I'm sure your arm will heal properly."

"Thank you Miss Chamberlin." She smiled. I closed the curtain behind me and quickly made my way to reception. James never visited me at work so it must be urgent.

I quickly got to reception to see James pacing with an anxious look on his face. I'd never seen him like this so something was definitely wrong.

"James? What's wrong?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder to stop him from pacing.

"Mum, Dad, Lily, Al and everyone have been threatened by dark forces at Kings Cross this morning and somethings happening at Hogwarts. Amber there's something I haven't told you." He looked extremely worried.

"Are they okay? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"It's about something that happened years ago. Can you come home with me?" He asked taking my hand.

"If it's an emergency then yes." I nodded. "Miriam, could you tell Dr Maine that I have an urgent family matter and i'll be back soon?" I asked the receptionist.

"Of course Dr Chamberlin, I hope everything's okay." She smiled warmly.

"Thank you." I gave her a small smile and followed James out of the hospital.

He took my hand and quickly apparated to the outside of our apartment. He quickly unlocked the door and we both went inside, closing and locking the door magically behind us. James quickly sat down and rested his head in his hand's.

"Tell me what happened." I took his hand's and lifted his head up so that he would look at me.

"How did you know something had happened?" He asked, looking at me confused.

"I can tell. It's in your eyes and i've never seen you this distressed before James." I sighed.

"Fine. Sometimes I forget that you know me so well" He sighed and moved his eyes down to the floor "Years ago, whilst we were at Hogwarts there was an incident involving me and my family. You might remember it I don't really know. We've never spoken about it and we weren't really friends at the time."

"James, are you talking about what I think you're talking about?" I looked at him and sighed in sadness.

Everyone at Hogwarts knew when James Potter went missing at the age of thirteen. It was Christmas in our third year and everyone was going mad with worry and panic because James had been taken out of his Grandparent's garden and he went missing for months. We'd never brought it up before and i'd never wanted to ask James about it because of opening up old wounds. I'd often wondered sometimes how it hadn't affected his character and that he still stayed the same old James that everybody knew and loved.

"Probably, I think everyone knew about this." He sighed again.

"James we don't have to talk about this if you don't want too." I told him, taking his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.

"No I want too. You're going to become my wife Amber and I want you to know everything. I also think it has something to do with what is happening right now." He told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"When I was taken, I was underground for months. Then they brought Mum in and she went missing too. That scared me the most, I didn't want Mum hurt and in the end she was. The cell I was kept in was horrific. They tortured me, didn't feed me sometimes and I could hear them scheming in a room nearby with their boss. When they brought other people, like muggles, I could hear them torturing them and eventually killing them. I could hear them making horrible plans for the wizarding world, about how they were going to bring down my family. When Dad, Aunt Taylor, Uncle Ron, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Mattie eventually found us I was so relieved. But when we escaped they left lasting marks on me and Mum. I was cursed to try and kill my Dad whenever I saw him. Mum was impregnanted with their master's child and it was killing her slowly from the inside. Years have passed and Dad and the Aurors have never found them. Sure, we had leads but they're still out there somewhere. Then when the attack happened at Kings Cross Station this morning all of the memories came flooding back and I feel like i'm thirteen again. We need to stop it this time Amber, before anyone else gets hurt." He told me, looking down at the floor again and not meeting my eye.

"Then I promise you that we will James. What do we need to do? Is Hogwarts safe?" I asked, raising his chin with my finger so that he would look at me.

"For now yes. The Auror apartment is doing everything they can to keep the school safe. Dad went straight to work after making sure Mum was okay. I think i'm going to join him. I'm sorry for taking you out of work, I just got scared. I suppose I needed you." James smiled a little, his cheeks turning red.

"Don't be sorry! You needed me and you and family comes first. Am I okay to go back to work?" I asked him with a small smile. James hardly ever got embarrassed so it was funny to see his cheeks redden a little.

"Yes! Just be safe please, and come and find me or get in touch with the Aurors if anything strange happens." He instructed me, kissing my cheek.

"Of course, i'll see you later. Please be careful." I smiled a little.

"I always am." He smiled cheekily.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the door, apparating quickly to St Mungos. I sighed as I landed in the hospital entrance. St Mungos was bustling as usual, unaware of what was happening in the Wizarding world around them. I just hoped that this war wouldn't have as many deaths as the last.


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