Chapter 23

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Amber Chamberlin

*1st of September 2021*

I sighed and peered around Platform nine and three quarters hoping to catch a glimpse of at least one person that I knew. I wasn't used to being alone on the platform like this. Usually I would have Greg and Jenna with me but they had graduated from Hogwarts at the end of the last school year and now I was left to go to Kings Cross Station on my own. It was going to be weird without Greg and Jenna at school that year.

I quickly gave the loaders all of my luggage and stood by a pillar, waiting for at least one person that I recognised to stand with. Where were they all? The train was due to leave in ten minutes.

"Amber Louuuuuuu." A voice sang from behind me. I would recognise that voice anywhere.

"Morning Tanner." I laughed as Tanner came and stood at the side of me.

"I've missed you Chamberlin! How have you been?" Tanner asked after giving me a quick friendly hug.

"I've been great Tanner, for once i've not been stuck in the house all summer. How about you?" I smiled. It was true, Mother and Father had been a lot more lenient since Jenna and Greg had moved out of the house. They had let me stay with James and his family for a while, and I also took a trip to France with Nadia and Cassie. That summer had been amazing.

"Well that sounds great, I've been good thanks. Summer's been pretty boring, but it was okay." Tanner shrugged in reply.

"Good, where's your sister, isn't she starting Hogwarts this year?" I asked him with a smile.

"Oh damn yeah. ALICE?" Tanner cried, looking around for his sister. Wow he was so organised. He disappeared and reappeared seconds later dragging a small and scared looking girl behind him.

"Tanner why didn't Mum and Dad stay?" The girl asked him. She looked really worried.

"Because they have to take West to the dentist, they said sorry Al. You'll be okay with me, I promise. Alice, meet one of my friends Amber, Amber, this is my sister Alice." Tanner introduced us to each other.

"It's lovely to meet you Alice." I smiled, shaking the girl's hand.

"You too Amber, Tanner talks about you and your friends all the time. Especially Nadia he's obs-"

"OKAY! That's enough thanks Al, shall we go and find the rest of the delinquents?" Tanner blushed a little, cutting Alice off. I smirked and nodded, following him and Alice through the crowd.

Anyone could see that Tanner had a soft spot for our very own Nadia Lovera. The only person who couldn't see it was Nadia herself. Cassie had groaned at this and stated that it was like me and James all over again, except for the fact that Tanner wouldn't admit the feelings that he had for Nadia.

"Tanner! Amber!" Cassie's voice was the next to call us over.

"Cassie!" I grinned, quickly dashing over to my best friend and throwing my arm's around her.

"Missed you Amber, not seen you for weeks." She smiled.

"Well i've not seen Amber all holidays Cassidy, so i've beat you." Tanner blobbed his tongue out childishly at Cassie.

"Still not admitting your feelings for Nads yet Tanner?" Cassie rolled eyes at Tanner.

"I don't have any feelings for Nadia Cassidy, shut up." Tanner blushed as bright red as a tomato.

"Your face says otherwise." Cassie laughed a little.

"Are they arguing already?" The voice that I loved so much spoke from behind me. An arm suddenly came around my shoulder's, confirming my suspicions of who it was.

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