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It was nearing 9pm and Hyunji was ready to go home

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It was nearing 9pm and Hyunji was ready to go home.
She's been at renjuns house ever since the morning, since Insu didn't want her to leave.

"Okay bud, I have to go home now. I'll see you on Monday okay?" She said to him.
"Nooo!! Why is jiji nona going! Don't go! Stay!!" He tugged on her pants.

Renjun sighed as he picked Insu up.
"Stop it Insu."
"No! Put down! Down baba, down!"
"You have to let her go home, you'll see her on Monday."

Insu just shook his head and kept crying about how mean Renjun was.


He stopped crying when he heard hyunji's voice.
"Don't cry anymore okay?" She said as she walked up to where Insu was.
"If you keep crying, I won't come anymore." She said to him.

That's when Insu's eyes widened. "Really??!"
She nodded her head. "If you promise to listen to Renjun and to stop crying, I promise I'll come back on Monday."

Insu then wiped his tears, but there was still a pout on his lips. "Okay.. I listen to baba.."
that's when she smiled and patted his head. She then looked at Renjun. "Be nice to him." She said as she walked towards the door.

"I'm always nice to him." Renjun said back to her.
Hyunji gave him a sarcastic hum before opening the door. "The face you had when he wouldn't stop crying says an entirely different story." She said as she left, not giving Renjun anytime to reply.

Renjun just stood there.
"What an ass."
"Baba, bad word! Bad word!" Insu put a finger up to renjun's mouth.
Renjun looked at Insu and rolled his eyes.
"Yea yea. Come on, let's go brush your teeth and stuff before I tuck you into bed." He said as he walked up the stairs with Insu.

Insu nodded his head before smiling.


It was the the next morning, Sunday, and Hyunji did not wanna get out of her bed.

"Dude. You're wasting my time. I'm gonna leave without yo—"
"No no I'm up!" Hyunji said as she threw a pillow at Donghyuck.
"What the fu—alright. I'm leaving." He said as he walked to the door.
"Ma won't be happy if you left without me." Hyunji said.
He looked back at her with an annoyed face. "Then get your lazy ass up and get ready!" He said before closing her door.

Hyunji chuckled before grabbing her phone to see what time it was.
"Woah, it's already 1pm." She chuckled to herself before getting off of her bed and heading to her wash room.

Her and Donghyuck were planning to go to the mall and shop for some clothes, but Hyunji woke up a bit late.

After she got done, she headed down to where Donghyuck was waiting for her.

"Ew, why do you look like me." She said as she saw his outfit.
"You mean why do you look like me? I already walked into your room wearing this outfit." He said back.

Babysitter // Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now