• Ch 13

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"Stop no, I can't believe we finished the game

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"Stop no, I can't believe we finished the game." Hyunji said in disbelief. "It felt like it went by fast."
"Fast? It took us 2 weeks to finish the game." Donghyuck said to her.
"Yea exactly. That was fast. Best map was still the snow globes." Hyunji nodded her head.

"Oh most definitely. It was so fun. Especially when we could ice skate." He chuckled. "And the racing."
"Not me beating you in the racings we had." Hyunji smirked.
"Whatever. I won the snowball fights." He pressed the PS button on the controller. "Let's play some overcooked."

"I would, but I have homework to do. It's Sunday remember." Hyunji said before placing the controller down and plopping on his bed.
"Why is your bed more comfortable than mine. This is not fair." She grumbled.

"I'm just the better twin, that's why." He said to her before plopping down next to her. "We should get our own place."
"Me and you?" She questioned.
"Yea, wouldn't that be fun?"
"I don't know about fun..." she said. "And I'm not trying to have you bring your girl home and then doing whatever with her in your room with me still home."

Donghyuck laughed. "Good point, and same to you." He said. "But besides that, finding a place together isn't all bad."
"It's not... but I don't know. Maybe being neighbors."
"Oh yea, that's not bad either. Like living in an apartment together but I'm your neighbor."
"Exactly!" She said before sitting up. "Okay I really gotta go do homework now." She looked at the time on her phone.


"Don't stay up to late doing homework. I hate waking you up in the mornings." Donghyuck said as she reached his door.
"Depends on what homework I have left." She said. "Night Hyuck."

She shut his door before going to her own room.
She went to her desk and got her stuff out so she could finish the last assignments she had.

A couple hours passed before she stretched on her desk chair and looked at the time.

Ah fuck it's already 3.

She closed her books and notebooks before laying down on her bed.
She got herself comfortable before turning her lamp off so she could get some shut eye.


"Thanks for the breakfast Ma, see you guys later." Hyunji said to her parents before walking to the door.
"Dude wait for me—" Donghyuck quickly shoved the toast he had, in his mouth before following her. "Remember I'm the driver loser."
"And I'm just the amazing passenger who has aux." she smiled as they went to the car.

A few minutes passed before they made it to school.
"Hurry up Hyuck. Unless you wanna be late." Hyunji shook her head as they rushed inside.
"This is all your fault." He said to her.
"I'm not the one that stopped to wait for 5 million ducks to cross a road!"

That's when the bell rang.
"Ah fuck. Okay bye see you at lunch gremlin." Hyunji said before rushing off to math class.
She opened the door. "Sorry I'm late." She mumbled quietly before taking her seat next to Daehee.
"Girl I thought you were gonna skip." Daehee whispered.

Babysitter // Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now