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Hyunji knocked on the door

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Hyunji knocked on the door.
"Okay bye ugly. Be safe!" Donghyuck yelled out from his car. "Remember I'm just a phone call away~~" he said before driving off.

Hyunji shook her head with a chuckle as she went to Renjun's front door and knocked.
That's when renjun opened it.

"Oh? What do you mean oh."
"I forgot to tell you." He said to her as he scratched his head.
"Baba is it jiji Nona?" Insu said as he made it to the door. "Jiji Nona!" He said happily.
"Hey bubs." She said with a smile before looking back at Renjun confused.

"Forgot to tell me what exactly?"
"I don't have work today so... you didn't need to come watch him." Renjun said.
She looked at him. "You're kidding me right now." She said.
"Actually I'm not. I wouldn't waste my precious time to lie to you." He crossed his arms.

"Donghyuck already left—forget it. I'll just tell him to pick me back up." She sighed as she opened her bag to get her phone.
"Why jiji Nona not come in? Jiji Nona come!" Insu went out and grabbed her finger to guide her inside the house.
"Sorry bubs, I think I'm just gonna go back home." She smiled at him as she crouched to his level.

"You go back home? Then why you come?" He asked her confused.
"Blame your baba for that." She said as she glared as Renjun.
Renjun look at Insu before sighing. "I really really really really don't wanna ask or say this." He rubbed his face. "But why don't you just come inside."

She scoffed. "Why would I wanna be there with you here."
"Well you're already here aren't you." He said to her. "And since you're here to watch him, why don't you just do that. I have homework to do anyways." He said to her.
"Excuse you, I have homework too???"
"Listen, are you gonna come in or just stand there and text Donghyuck to pick you up."

She looked at Renjun before looking at Insu.
She then sighed. "Okay fine."
Renjun didn't say anything as he just made some way for her to get inside the house.
"Michael Myers would've killed us by now." Renjun mumbled to himself.

"What?" She asked.
"Nothing. Anyways I'll be in my room—"
"Wait." She stopped him from going upstairs. "You think you can teach me some more of Mr Moons math?"

He looked at her. "I thought I already did."
"Well... yea but... I still have a lot of stuff I don't understand okay." She sighed. "If you don't want to then it's whatever." She put her bag down on the counter before talking to Insu.

She then saw Renjun go upstairs without even saying anything.

Yup. I mean what was I expecting—

He then came back downstairs with some stuff in his hands, including a pair of glasses.
"Whenever you're done doing whatever you do with Insu at this time, just let me know when you need help." He said as he went to sit down at the kitchen table.

She stood there frozen.
She didn't think that he'd actually still help her out if she asked.
She shook her head before looking at Insu. "Are you hungry bubs?"

Babysitter // Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now