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"No wait what? Wait what did you just—" Jeno looked at Jaemin is disbelief

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"No wait what? Wait what did you just—" Jeno looked at Jaemin is disbelief.
"I think you guys are taking it the wrong way." Jaemin said. "All I said was she looked cute today. Like... her outfit was nice. I'm not saying I like her." He chuckled.
"Oh—Hyung I was gonna scream if you meant it as in you like her." Chenle patted his back.

"I mean," Jeno thought about it. "I wouldn't care if you did. You can like whoever you want." He shrugged. "You just said that so suddenly so I was just shocked."
Jaemin patted Jeno's head. "Don't worry guys, I wouldn't do that to our poor Renjun."

Or so he says.


"End me right now. I can't do this, I'm gonna have another meltdown." Hyunji plopped her head on her desk.
"Don't give up." Daehee patted her back. "Come on, let me help you."
"Daehee I can't. I'm giving up."
"No no." She made her sit up straight again. "Now listen to what I'm gonna teach you."

Not even a minute later.

"I don't get it. No like I do, but I don't. This is really confusing. If 2 is with the 1, then what about 10. How did you make 2 end up with 10 when it's with 1."
Hyunji looked at the math sheet Daehee had written on.

"Wow. It sounds like 2 is cheating on 1." Daehee chuckled.
"That's funny—wait no it's no time for jokes right now." Hyunji whined. "I think I understand it more when Renjun teaches me. The way he explains it is really easy to understand... all though most of the time I'm not really listening because I hhaatteee math."

"Well then... maybe just have Renjun teach you for a while then. Maybe until you're able to understand it by yourself? Not in a bad way of course." Daehee said.
While Daehee and Hyunji were talking, a girl approached their table. The 2 girls stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

"Uhm... can we help you?" Daehee said.
"Did Minjun ask you out." She said as she looked at Hyunji, an attitude found in her tone.
"I don't see why I'd have to tell you if he did or not." Hyunji said as she tilted her head with an raised brow. "Like do I even know you? What even is your name."

The girl scoffed. "You think you're all that because you're Donghyuck's sister?" She placed a hand between their desks, but not to hard as she didn't want to make a commotion as they were still in a classroom.

Hyunji slowly looked at where she placed her hand before looking back at the random girl.
"Hey, what's your deal?" Daehee said.
"Don't think I forgot about you. Jisung's older sister right? If you guys think you're the shit because you're their relatives, you're not. You're nothing without them, and I hope you know, know one is in interested in you."

"Again... do we know you? Like what's your name honey, why are you embarrassing yourself? You literally came up to us and then starting spitting absolutely non sense." Hyunji said. "Oh, in case you don't know my name lemme introduce myself because I have manners." She cleared her throat.

Babysitter // Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now