• Ch 33

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It was currently Saturday, and Hyunji was in another café waiting for someone

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It was currently Saturday, and Hyunji was in another café waiting for someone.
She had just gotten dropped off after her shift at work today.

She had her papers out in front of her with a little coffee.
That's when someone sat across from her.
"I didn't make you wait did I?"
She looked up as she was still sipping her coffee.

She shook her head before placing her cup down. "Not at all. I just came a few minutes ago anyways." She smiled. "How are you today joowon?"
He nodded as he got his stuff out. "I'm doing pretty good today. Well... besides the fact that we're meeting outside of school just for a math assignment." He chuckled, and all he got in return was an very awkward chuckle from Hyunji.

"Sorry." He laughed before clearing his throat. "Alright." He rubbed his palms together. "Let's get the packet done shall we?"


2 hours passed before they finally finished.
"Yes! Oh my god yes." Hyunji said ever so happily as she didn't hesitate to shove that horrifying math packet into her bag.
Joowon chuckled.

She then took out her phone to message Donghyuck to come pick her up.
"Now that we're done... do you wanna go hang out for a bit?" He asked.
She looked at him surprised. "Oh, sorry... I already have plans..?" She said.

"Ah that's okay." He said as he was still looking at her, and she didn't know why, but she felt a big uncomfortable under his gaze.
"So uh, Joowon." She said as she fixed her posture. "While I wait for my ride... why don't you uh, tell me about yourself a little more?"

He twirled his straw that was in his cups. "We're gonna be in the same group as well with this other project the art class and science class is doing right?" He asked, totally ignoring her question.
"Oh, uh yea. Along with 2 others." She said.

He hummed before taking a sip of his drink.
"To bad it's not just us again."
For some odd reason, the air around him turned a bit... dark.
She couldn't help but shift in her seat as he was looking at her while drinking his beverage.
She gave him a fake chuckle. "I mean, the more the merrier." She said.

He didn't say anything.
That's when they both heard a ding from her phone. She checked it, and saw that Donghyuck had said he was outside.

She sighed of relief.
"That's my ride. I'll uh.. see you Monday?"
"Yea of course!! It went well today." He smiled at her. "See you Hyunji!"

She nodded with an fake smile as she gathered her things before walking away.
What the hell was that?
The vibe around him seemed so dark until the end where he switched...

She shook her head as she left the place and spotted Donghyuck's car.
She was gonna walk over there, but someone pulled on her wrist.


She turned to who it was.
He gave her a smile. "You forgot this." The hand that wasn't gripping her wrist, showed her pencil.

He came all the way out here to give her...
a pencil?

Babysitter // Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now