🦋 Part 1 🦋

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Year 2016:

You rushed to your bedroom, bumping on the bed and smacking your face on the pillow just to wet it all from your tears. You could not believe what your father said to you a few moments ago.

Was he seriously gone mad?

You think again about the conversation between you and your father.

"Y/n, I had been talking to Bonten's president, Manjirou Sano since five months now. I want you to quit your job and marry him for the company matters." He said with a serious look on his face.

"What? Are you kidding me? I just became a psychiatrist like a few weeks ago and you are here planning my marriage out of nowhere. Why didn't you tell me that you were scheming all this? What are you up to?" You questioned querulously.

"Y/n, i do not accept this kind of behaviour and defiance. Addition to this, I did not ask you if you wanted this marriage or not, i ordered you to marry. Got that?"

There he goes again with his annoying statements of not asking but ordering.

"Why do you always have to....tch- leave it" You were about to shed your tears but you didn't want to let your tears roll down infront of your dad"

So, that's how you then slept on your bed with red puffy eyes. You cried yourself to sleep.

After that, you asked your mom to persuade your dad for ending the marriage planning, but to no avail.

Though your dad's company works freely in the public's eye..no one from here knows that he is the president of another most feared gang in Japan.

Your father had never been perturbed about your well being, he just wanted what he thought was good for him. And he makes sure that the people around him follow the orders he gives.
You could only work as a psychiatrist after a lot of petition.

But this case was different, it related to his work. Therefore, regardless you try to plead for not letting you to get married, he would ignore you. He is always like this, if you tell your opinion on something that opposes him, he would call it absolute disrespect.

After a few days, you were ordered by your father to get dressed up for meeting Mikey.

You wore a fancy-dress, put light makeup on, added your expensive diamond jewellery which were quite decent looking and were wearing a pair of elegant looking heels. Your beautiful smooth (h/c) hair was untied and went down till your (shoulder/hip/legs).

 Your beautiful smooth (h/c) hair was untied and went down till your (shoulder/hip/legs)

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🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now