🦋Part 3🦋

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Awakening from your profound sleep, you rippled your eyes and began glancing around. A flashback from yesterday night-time rung a bell. You fell asleep on top of Mikey.

Blood rushed to your cheeks at the notion of it because it was once the first time you had been that close to him. But at the same time, you were hurt when you realized how you ended up falling asleep on top of him.

You noticed that you were in your and Mikey's shared bedroom, to your opposite, you saw crumbled bedsheet indicating that he would have slept with you for the first time.

Levitating up from your bed, you looked down and caught sight of the fit you are wearing- instead of the dress, you are wearing an over-sized black hoodie and beneath you have been still wearing the shapewear shorts which you wore under the dress.

You became red from embarrassment after comprehending that it was probably Mikey who changed your clothes.

Darting out of the room, you checked if Mikey was still there or not. You did not find him after scanning the penthouse all over and came to comprehend he was already out for work.

Ensuing, you changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top, did the laundry, and subsequently proceeded towards the kitchen to eat some food. When you went near the fridge, you saw a small note stuck on it.

'Sorry about the previous night, I was too drunk, I didn't mean to hurt you. I stored the meals you made inside the fridge and took some leftovers, also some dorayaki and taiyaki with me. Happy Anniversary in arrears.

I am sorry for making you cry on both of our anniversaries.

I will make up to you soon. Once more, sorry.'

A small smile etched on your face, this was the first time he ever apologized to you.

Even if he does not speak a lot, writing a note about how he feels for you made you gleeful.

Later you ate the remaining food following by doing the dishes.

Like that, you did all the house errands.

Though you are rich, you have always favored to do your duty by yourself. Mikey also didn't like having maids inside his house when he was present, he simply hired them to do the housework when he went to work.

In the evening at 7pm, you got a text from Mikey showing 'I will come home by 10 today', you smiled at it because normally he never came home earlier than midnight but today was different.

You replied 'kay, I hope we can have dinner together today.' You wanted to type one more thing... 'I also want to spend some quality time with you.', however you did not have the confidence cuz you felt that he would become uneasy by it.

You noticed a seen sign under it and following by *💜Mikey💜 liked your message*. You again smiled at it, however this time like a whole idiot, like a high school girl falling in love.

Waiting for Mikey to return home, sitting on the couch is also your daily job. Just like you hear a doorbell, you hurry to the direction of the door, open the door to reveal the one and only. That is what you are doing now, hurrying towards the door and opening it.

"Welcome home Manjirou."- you said beaming a sweet smile completely at him which made his heart flutter. This feeling was so new to him. A feeling he never felt before.

He gave you a faint smile as a reply, which was hardly visible.

"You can go and have a bath. The water is all heated up."

"Hmm, thanks."-he said calmly.

You were setting the dinner table when Mikey all of a sudden came to you and said -"Hey, sorry."

"For what?"- you questioned with a confused face.

"About that.... yesterday, you know."

"O-oh, about that, i-it's okay, you have already said sorry multiple times by now. Why again?"

"I thought you, you didn't forgive me." Maybe if your heart was strong, you would have not forgave him. But your heart was the opposite, always feeling happy for whoever treated you nice for a few seconds or days.

"Manjirou, have I ever been mad at you? Ya, i-it hurt, it hurt so fucking much when you ignored me and shit. But y-yesterday it hurt even more. I was a little upset about that but your small cute written apology is enough for me to forgive you." -you said bursting down into tears.

"Manjirou, i know you are piling up your emotions and i hate to see you broken and sad... It's like you have lots of things to say, but you don't want to share it to anyone, as if they would think bad about you. You don't have to hide it, you can open up to me when you feel comfortable about sharing your emotions." -you continued.

Mikey became shocked when you said exactly what he always feared of. He was happy that you noticed it even when he did everything not to make you know about what he hides and keeps within himself. And he was suprised that you could make him feel warm even if he stayed cold for the past decade.

He lifted your chin with his index finger to make you look in his eyes. He gave you a small sad smile and said -" I will share with you...I will definitely, just wait for some more time. I promise. Kay?"

You replied to him by noding your head slightly and hugging him firmly.

"You can share anything to me... anything." 'And I will also share a secret to you.'

"That's my psychiatrist wife we are talking about."- he said proudly yet so calmly.

You chuckled at his words.

Suddenly, you remembered something and asked Mikey-"H-hey..you were the one who changed my clothes, right? Y-you didn't see my b-brassiere, did you?"

"Wh-what? brasiri..I mean brassera, sorry...br_???"


I am cringing so hard for this rn...i didn't came up with anything else so yeah. ಥ_ಥ

[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now