🦋Part 24🦋

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The door of the dark room bashed open revealing a man with black hair and brown eyes was dressed very formally and he chuckled. Kana's grip on the gun loosened as she rushed to him and held both of his shoulders and started to shake it.

"Brother! Seee!!! I kidnapped her, Mikey's wife!! 'Oh, it's her brother.' you thought. He pushed away her hand and looked at you smirking. You scoffed at him and make a face of disgust.

"I see, but you were literally going to kill her? Just like that?" Kana narrowed her eyes in confusion and asked "Just like that? What do you mean brother?"

His brown eyes wandered around your whole body making you feel uncomfortable. Nobody, as in nobody is allowed to scan your body like that except your husband and this man is just making your blood boil.

"Brother, not again." Kana said which made you a bit relieved. You know you shouldn't thank her in your mind but just for now she is helpful. "Jeez, what are you even thinking about? I just want a bunch of information about Bonten's information before killing her and do whatever you want, just don't kill her as I will be the one to do that."

She rolled her eyes and nodded. What you wanted to do right now was hold the gun which was laying down and shoot both of them but your hands were tied. Kana closed the door and then again went near you.

On my god, no, you shouldn't laugh,no, not at this situation when you are kidnapped and your husband, Mikey's information could be leaked but the way she was walking in her slutty dress made you chortle a little.

Thankfully, she didn't notice it but the moment you closed your eyes for a bit she immediately grabbed your chin tightly and slapped your face harshly. "Well, my brother said I can torture you so that's what I am gonna do."

You flinched as the sound of belt hitting your thighs made you cringe and look down. 'Where the fuck did she bring this belt from?' "Now you should start talking because if you didn't want to talk, I could have just cut your tongue out or something and I know how much you would dislike that."

Her voice got deeper and rougher each second she spoke. You kept looking down and biting your lip hard, trying your best not to cry and scream at the same time. "Hey! Hey, are you listening?!"

She raised her voice and smacked you across the face once more. This time you screamed louder than ever and fell backwards into your chair. She stared at you, waiting for an answer as if expecting you to speak any words but nothing escaped your lips.

Instead she grabbed you by your hair and threw you to the ground. The chair was not that strong so it broke but your hands were still tied. "You are useless!" She shouted and then walked away while kicking you in your ribs.

"Motherfucker!" The only thing that came out from your mouth was a weak whisper. You laid there, panting heavily and your back was sore. "What are you? You have no affect of my beatings?"

After that, she again started beating you and then she kicked your stomach. Your eyes widen as your tears fell like a waterfall. "No-no, not there. No-not there!" You said crying. Kana's jaw dropped as she understood why you were disagreeing to be hit there.

"Uh-uh! So, you are carrying a child? Aww! So sad that you and your baby will be dead after a few hours." You were numb, totally numb not feeling a single thing. Gosh no, why does God has to be so cruel to you. You just wanted a happy family.

You wish, you wish you were not careless, you wish you were bold, you wish you could stand for yourself. All the regrets were breaking your heart more and more. Your body and head hurt, hurt like hell and your sight was becoming blurry again but when you heard gunshots, you flinched.

A familiar noise, a familiar scent was noticed by you. A smile formed itself on your face while you were laid down looking at the love of your life. His tears were running out too and he immediately dropped down on his knees, untied your hands and grasped your body.

"Manjirou." You said to Mikey as he kissed your forehead. "Am sorry, sorry, sorry! Should have told you everything from the start." He. cupped his cheeks and said "It's fine baby, I know everything now.I am sorry for blaming you too. But..." You bit your lip and continued "I want our baby to live. I am scared. Kana hit my stomach a few times and I am scared that it will di-"

"Don't say that." He said sobbing."I think I am also going to go away where ma and pa ar-." He attached his lips with yours and started kissing you passionately. "No, I need you here! I need you with me."

Tears were rolling down your face uncontrollably and you tried to break free from the embrace but it was futile. You two kissed until Mikey pulled back and placed small kisses all over your face.

"Let's get you out of here." "I don't think I can Manjirou...I am h-hallucinating things I shouldn't." His body turned frail and shuddered like jelly. He has heard those words before, a little too much and it hurts everytime.

You shouldn't say that, no, not when you and him were finally going to start a true family.  His eyes widened with horror realizing that he might not be able to hear you anymore.
He gently caressed your cheek and whispered "We are going to live together again. It will take some time but soon, we will be together foreever."

"N-no, don't you say that. Please live too a-and if it is p-possible, I want you to raise our c-child when I am not here." You said coughing blood. "Please don't die. I-I love you." You smiled brightly.

Yeah, it's weird, very wierd but you would like to say that you are really happy dying after your husband says those three words of adoration. Maybe, you waited for this day to be on a date but unfortunately it couldn't be.

You looked at him for the last time and replied "I l-love you t-too Manjir..."  Your eyes closed slowly, your breathing stopped and you knew you weren't coming back. The pain in his chest wasn't gone, in fact it was getting worse.

He took one last kiss on your lips and whispered "Don't worry, I'll find you and we can live happily. Always together." He tightly grasped your hand thinking, atleast reaction would be give by you.

Like if he can make you alive by gripping your hand but he can't. He kissed your head again and then kissed your tummy.  He wished this would be the end of his story, that he wouldn't die alone, that you would be by his side forever, that you would be happy with him.

That he would be able to hug you, to hear your laughs, your cries, your laughter again. He closed his eyes tight knowing he is alone...again.

Dying, is a very hard feeling to describe and to understand. When death comes knocking on your door you don't expect to wake up, you just want to sleep and never wake up. Sometimes death seems to come knocking at night and makes sure that you are awake.

And then sometimes you feel like you are sleeping for days and nights. And for someone, who sees his loved one die continuesly, there are various emotions which can't be expressed.

[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

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