🦋Part 25🦋

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He opened his eyes back and cleaned the tears which were streaming down like a waterfall. However, he was unable to stop it and just quickly wiped it. His face was all chaotic and his heart was hurting a lot. 'Only if I would have come sooner, only if I told her sooner then maybe...' he thought.

He was declining to look at your lifeless body, you were gone, completely gone and he tracks down no excuse to simply take his life as of now. However, before that he would kill of these assholes who had the daringness to look and even touch you and he also needed to ensure that you get your soul in harmony.

With the still weighty heart of his, he lifted you up in a bridal style, it was extremely heard to breath and his hands were shaking. He cried and smiled tragically taking a look at your face, it's as yet lovely and pretty as always. With one hand, he tucked a hair strand behind your ear, figuring how might you respond if you were alive. Would you become flushed like you normally do? Would you hit his chest playfully and afterward conceal your face with your hands?

He sighed heavily and started taking steps towards the exit door but before that, he ordered his men who accompanied him to take the dead body of that bitch Kana and follow behind so she could show that charlatan brother of his to realize that whom he messed up with.

His crying was reduced to sniffing but the sadness never reduced. The same emotionless Mikey was nearly back. While taking steps, he halted when he saw the same brown haired man whom he saw two years back. He was smirking at him but it didn't last long when Mikey's men revealed the dead body of his sister. "W-what the fuck...what the fuck did you to Kana?" He screamed loudly and then Mikey said "The same thing she did to my wife and you are next." And now he knows he fucked up real good.

Trying to maintain his posture, he laughed sarcastically but he was scared a lot that he could shit his pants right then and there. "Hahahah...y-you, you shorty is gonna k-kil me? T-think again if you don't wanna die." Mikey sent a death glare  to him. And without a second, still holding you safely, he landed a kick which went direct to his shitty head.

He was lying on the floor, and spitted blood. This is total end...yes this is it. He was about to sit up but Mikey landed another kick to his face which probably broke his nose. Gritting his teeth, he again and again kicked him harshly taking out all his anger for killing you.

He finally stopped when his glowing hair covered his eyes which were again watery. "C-clean this mess up." He ordered his other men and they did so while he was stepping big steps towards the exit. When he finally came there, he put you on the passenger seat and drove back to the headquarters.

He knows it's stupid but...but you must ne alive. Maybe your circulation is just less, but you must be alive and he will take you to his hired doctors. They can treat you, he knows you will be alive and the baby will be too. He will have a family with you. But he also knows the truth and cannot just admit it. He wish he could, he wished it didn't hurt this much.

Arriving their, he took you inside the headquarter and ordered people around him to call the hited doctors. They rushed to him. "Saver her and our child at all costs. Take how much you want, just save my sweethearts.

" The doctors nodded and took you inside the surgical room. But one of them soon came back and gulped when Mikey akses the conditions. "S-sir, I am sorry to say but both of them did no-" "Don't you fucking say that, I know they are alive so just shut the fuck and up and treat them." "Sir but..."

He turned away and went to his office room where he locked the door and dropped down sliding along the door. His eyes fixed on the floor while he reminisced all those times....

"Welcome home Manjirou!"

"Manjirou, have I ever been mad at you? Ya, i-it hurt, it hurt so fucking much when you ignored me and shit. But y-yesterday it hurt even more. I was a little upset about that but your small cute written apology is enough for me to forgive you."

"Manjirou, i know you are piling up your emotions and i hate to see you broken and sad... It's like you have lots of things to say, but you don't want to share it to anyone, as if they would think bad about you. You don't have to hide it, you can open up to me when you feel comfortable about sharing your emotions."

"You can share anything to me... anything."

"I know that you don't like taking bento with you, but please today accept this. Please!"

"Why are you so forgetful? You literally told me that when you were little, you like a flag on top of your food."

"You should do medication and from now, you will be getting fruits except dorayaki."

"No one hates you, you just make up things, your dark impulsivity and shit, it would not happen if you seeked for comfort from the beginning. You said all your friends are amazing. So do you think you think your friends are that bad that they won't help you when you are in pain?"

"I l-love you t-too Manjir..." 

[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

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