🦋Part 28🦋

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Year 2008

A ting sound was heard behind you and it made you jump as it was too sudden and not to mention you were already quivering half the way from your new school to your new home in this new city at night.

"Wow, wow!" A deep male voice was heard and you slowly turned around clenching your fists. It was not just that particular man, but several others were there too. All of them were dressed up in the same outfit, but it definitely didn't look like any of the school uniforms rather those creepy gang ones.

"What are you doing here, little cutie? You must know that this is our area at night, you are just like those pathetic kittens who come inside the lion's den." He said, stepping closer towards you and putting his hand on the back of his neck.

He took out a cigar and lit it before taking one step back and blowing the smoke in your face. It disgusted you, everything he was doing. Leaning closer to your ear, he whispered "Now you know what will happen, right? You have done a truly bad mistake like a bad girl. And you deserve punishment because we ain't sparing you."

His words were enough for a shiver down your spine as you tried to take a few steps back only to be stopped by someone else. "Backing away won't help a least bit." He spoke. The male infront of you grabbed your waist harshly and leaned you closer and you shut your eyes tightly.

An immediate reflex motion made you directly punch the guy's face and he instantly like a bullet train let go of you and stumbled backwards with a small scream.

"What the actual fuck bitch? You really had the guts to hit our boss like that? You really have fucked up!" The guy who was behind you spat. The hold of your waist by that guy was tight and leaved dirty grey marks on your white shirt and you are quite sure that it left red marks on your skin too.

The same guy grabbed your wrists and dragged you towards one of the other men who seemed more calm than the others. And then he pinned you to the ground, your heart started beating loudly in fear.

Thankfully, you released yourself from him and was about run but there were too many of them surrounding you which made it hard for you to escape. "Somebody, help! help! please!" One of them got closer and just when he close to laying his filthy hands on you, in a flash, he dropped down on the floor.

He coughed blood and some of it was also spitted out. A short blonde boy almost as your height was beating the hell out of all of them. You could sense a dark aura around him and though you didn't like it, you were thankful for him to be here.

'Damn, I really should have said yes for the bodyguard. Need to eat healthy.' You thought.

Unbeknownst to you, some tears which you held back throughout the whole time were streaming and you looked down. Then you felt something cold on your cheek which brushed so gently on your face. It was the blonde boy's hand wiping your tears.

To be honest, it kind of felt....familiar? But you couldn't pin point out why it felt like that. "Uhh..t-thankyou...for saving me from getting..." "You don't have to say anything, you know, you shouldn't roam around at night alone like this. Have someone accomping you. It's not a safe place."

"I know, it was just that I got a little late out of school and I didn't know it would become this dark." He removed his hand from your cheek after clearing your face. "I don't know why but I think I have somewhat seen you before, but in a different version." You frowned at his words because it was also the same thing you were thinking.

"I think I've seen you somewhere too. Also in a different version, but I don't quite remember." And there was something else also that you didn't wish to say but keep it to yourself. That was you couldn't bring yourself to look directly in his eyes. Though they were pitch black and looked absolutely tired.

They still seem beautiful to you and it made your stomach churn. Strange how this random stranger who saved your life is making you feel like this. "Also..." Your attention shifted once again to him as he continued "you feel comforting to me, I really like it."

You smiled brightly and said a simple ''thank you'. And he swears he knows that smile, this smile that makes his heartbeat quicken. Your eyes trailed to the white coat he was wearing and you tilted your head sideways which wasn't gone unnoticed by him. "You are a gang's president?"

"Yea...I am but don't worry. I am looking forward to making a new e-." Haha, how stupid of him again to utter words foolishly without thinking nicely, maybe thinking he is his 15 year old self. New era? That was all gone when he chose the wrong path. "New what?" You smiled but still confused.

"Nevermind." He said in a barely audible voice. "Then, I should go home now, it is pretty near, I will be there in no time." Truth to be told, you didn't wanted to go at all. You wanted to talk to him but it was too late and your mom will scold you in the most amazing way.

"Oh...bye then. I hope to see you again but maybe not for the best." He muttered the last few words before starting to walk. "Ermm...wait! wait!" He turned around quickly. "Yes?" He asked with a surprised expression. "Could you tell me your name?" You blushed when his eyes met yours and looked down.

"...Sano Manjirou, but my nickname is Mikey and most people call me by that name." "Hmm..but I like... Manjirou more. I am l/n y/n by the way." The way his official name rolled out of your tongue made him feel giddy.

He likes being called Mikey but with you..."Then, I will be using Y/n, it's a pretty name and it suits you." You felt like melting and it made your face heat up even more. "Thanks. See ya later Manjirou and smile, I think it will suit you much better than that emotionless face."

You said and both of you turned away walking in your own directions. And Mikey slightly smiled, and he was amused by it because he finally smiled genuinely after almost two years. 'Y/n, I want to know you more but I don't know if I ever will be able to meet you again.'

But they did meet after that sweet conversation, not in the best way possible, but they eventually found comfort in each other's arms but the ending of the happiness reached was all not the best. Maybe this timeline, a change, can bring you both together and get a happy ending.

 Maybe this timeline, a change, can bring you both together and get a happy ending

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[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now