🦋Part 4🦋

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"Bye, I am leaving for work."-said Mikey.

"Wait a minute!"


"I know that you don't like taking bento with you, but please today accept this. Please!"-you requested Mikey.

"Thanks, I will take it."

"And you will have to eat it, don't throw it away, I am saying for your own good."


Mikey proceeds to head out from the penthouse when you unconsciously say...

"Bye, love y-"
'What did I fucking say? Fuck y/n.'-you mentally scolded yourself.

"Did you say something y/n. I couldn't hear you."-Mkey said showing a bewildered look on his face."

"N-no, nothing, I was just saying bye...that's all."

"Oh..bye then, see ya."- he said in a soothing voice.

You replied to him with a tender smile.

'Cute.'- he thought.

Bolting the front door, you smack your hand on your mouth and become red as a beetroot

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Bolting the front door, you smack your hand on your mouth and become red as a beetroot.

"Stupid y/n, stupid y/n....." -you started muttering constantly.

Calming down yourself, you approached the kitchen to make yourself a cup of matcha/coffee/(favourite drink that calms you down).

After drinking it up, you started doing the boring ass tasks. Yes, you do prefer doing your job yourself, but you can't rebuff that it is tedious as heck.

Terminating the house errands, you went outside the penthouse to get yourself some fresh air. Then you started reading one of the mangas that you ordered online a few days back. Yea, you are an adult now but reading manga is still your obsession.

(A/n: Chifuyu syndrome)

'I'll marry you! No matter what kind of handicap you have! Even if you can't walk or stand, or even if you can't have kids, I'll still marry you. I'll always be with you. The Yui I met here isn't fake. It's you. No matter where or how I meet you, I'll fall in love with you. If I can meet you again, against the 6 billion to 1 odds, and even if your body can't move, I'll marry you.' You squealed after reading those words.

"Howww cute!!!!"
Pausing after the statement you made, you said "Only if marriage was this exciting for me."- You said with a small smile.

"- You said with a small smile

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🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now