🦋Part 23🦋

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The moment you switched off your phone, the noise of the footsteps started to increase and you could hear some people whispering. You were sitting on your bed and observing the noises.

Then, you stood up and took little steps, steading your breath. Going out of the room, you saw three people wearing black hoodies and masks on their face to conceal their face.

At first, you thought they were here to rob the house but then you noticed, they weren't even glancing at the luxurious items which were around every corner of the house. "Where the fuck is she?"

One of them said which made you press your thumb inbetween your teeth in fear and frustration. You promptly went back in the room and took grasp of your phone, put it in silent mode and hid it inside the sleeve of your over-sized sweater you were wearing.

After that, you aimed to go towards the door, but you tripped because of the edge of the side table, making you wince in pain. "Oh crap!" You could hear the whispers of the three men.

Clenching your fists, you stood up and dashed out of the room and roamed your e/c eyes all around, thinking where all the guards were and trying to find a place to hide or get out of this house completely, but it was just too late, too late for you that you couldn't even move an inch.

You felt the presence of one of the men behind you and his left hand was holding a knife close to your throat and the other was flying itself holding a white cloth, which you obviously knew was soaked up with chloroform.

Even though, you weren't very strong, you tried to throw away both of his hands but you could not. Another man came and bashed the cloth near your face.

"Yes Ma'am, we have got Bonten's president's wife." You could slightly hear the third man say that and when two more seconds passed, he said "Yes Ma'am." while stuttering. That was all what happened before you passed out completely.

Mikey has been waiting for you to see his message and reply to him but you weren't

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Mikey has been waiting for you to see his message and reply to him but you weren't. After five minutes, he called you but you didn't answer. He had mixed emotions in this situation.

Were you mad at him and refused to answer his calls and messages or something happened to you? Feeling uneasy, he took his phone and called Sanzu.

"Hello boss, why are you calling this early in the Morning?" "Sanzu, come here ASAP, I have something inportaht ri discuss and I also want you to do something for me." The rosette pushed the girl who was laying and clinging to him and got up from his bed.

Dressing himself up, ge drive his way to the headquarters just like his boss said. "Good Morning sir." The guards greeted hin as Sanzu nodded and made his way to his boss. "Boss, I am here."

Mikey sighed and looked up and motioned him to sit down on the couch. The rosette sat down and Mikey said "I was chatting with my wife and all of a sudden whe went offline. We were having an argument most probably she is mad or....something bad happened to her. I checked her location, she wasn't in the house and all the guards have also not answered a single call. I want tou to find her location and inform me plus set up some strong bodyguards who will be accompanying me in my way to her."

🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now