🦋Part 17🦋

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(I think this chapter will make your heart flutter.)

Covered up in your blankets, you groaned faintly after hearing a loud thud noise

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Covered up in your blankets, you groaned faintly after hearing a loud thud noise. Like who in the actual world would like to wake up from their peaceful sleep by a noise.

Your body shifted here and there on the bed to find the presence of a certain someone for cuddles...but unfortunately, you couldn't.

You thought he probably went to work but it was still too early. But then it came to your mind that where did the noise came from. As you were racking your brain a little too much, you later on shrugged it off.

You layed on the bed for a little more time and later on got up. Taking both of palms, you rubbed it on your closed eyes for getting a clearer view of your surrounding.

Lifting both of your hands up, you interwined your (s/c) slender fingers together and bended your body in the direction which was behind you, putting pressure on your lower back to feel the pleasure of streching.

Finishing your little stretching session, you made your way to the bathroom but when you were almost five or six steps away, you heard another sound thud shound.

So, you rushed to the kitchen only to meet with a short man with white hair, wearing an apron making breakfast. Your cheeks became red at the sight.

Just imagine someone waking up by a simple noise and then seeing their husband making food with a cute apron on.

You don't know about others, but you surely know you are enjoying the view.

"Oh hey angel, did I wake you up?"-He said averting his gaze away from the egg which he was going to crack. "Isn't that obvious?"-Crossing your arms over your chest, you leaned at the side frame of the door.

"How? Did you got the whiff of this delicious food?"Grinning cockily at you, he waited for your response.

"No, no, the thud sounds you were making by the utensils woke me up."-You said to him giving the same grin. He slightly pouted which made you laugh.

"Oi, stop with that pout, you look so fucking funny." He narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth moderately.

"Okay, okay...baby boy, don't be mad. I am gonna go to the bathroom now."Saying this, you went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth making it all white and shinny.

Subsequently, you changed into a decent wear, being ready for the day ahead.

Impending to the kitchen, you saw Mikey ready with the breakfast. He gave you a cheeky smile and motioned you to sit on one of the chairs in the dining room. Smiling towards him, you hurried your way there and sat down.

He handed you a plate with an egg omelet, on top of it was decorated with corriander leaves.

Taking a bite, you close your eyes to taste it. Mikey was looking at you with an excited face."How is it? Awesome, right?"

🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now