🦋Part 10🦋

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"Hey, do you wanna, maybe go on a date?"

You look towards Mikey after turning away your gaze from the phone.

'Date huh, I don't have any important work to do, seems good.'

"Yea, sure I would love to."-you replied to him with a cheeky smile.

"Alright, I think we can go after two hours."

You frowned at his words which he took notice of.

"Hey, is there something wrong?"

"No, I just thought you liked night dates and it is still very early."

"Well, I do prefer night dates but in this case, I will be taking you to many places, so I don't think I can show them all in the night itself."

"That's so sweet of you, thanks."

Looking at your angelic face, his heart skipped a beat. Though he was already a sort of psycho, but now he is madly in love with you making him making a love psycho and surely he would carry out anything for you.

The weird emotions he used to feel, were nothing but hints that he had fallen in love. He wants to keep you safe and protect you, that's his top priority now.

"Hey boy, you spacing out again."- you said to him waving your hands infront of it.


"I said why are you again and again spacing out? Is there something that's bothering you?"-you replied with a pout on your face.

"Nothing, now get ready."

So, you got up and started walking to your bedroom when it suddenly struck you that what kind of clothes you need to wear on this date.

Therefore, you took a few steps back and asked Mikey...

"What kinda date is this because I want to know which way I should dress up."

"Erm...I think it's kind of a sightseeing date."

"Oh, I get it. Thanks for telling~"

'Shit...don't do this to me, you are so fucking cute.'

Wearing a black tank top with a white flannel, along with oversized denim pants paired with white sneakers, you went out out of your room

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Wearing a black tank top with a white flannel, along with oversized denim pants paired with white sneakers, you went out out of your room.

You saw Mikey sitting on the sofa, waiting for you to come. You blushed because he looked really handsome.

"Oh finally you are here, took you long enough."

"Huh? You were the only one asking for a date, now bear with me."

"Um anyways, how do I look?"-you continued while doing a spin for letting him see your full outfit.

He smiled and said "Beautiful as ever, princess."

🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now