🦋Part 29🦋 (𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘌𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨)

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You had been excited to go to the mall, it was because you were going shopping for the little babygirl who was blessed to you and Mikey. Her eyes were pitch black like Mikey and her hair was (h/c) like yours. The facial feature was a mix of both you and him but it kind of reflected your face more.

Now let's say, Mikey on the other hand, was not really happy about the shopping thing, well he was happy when you mentioned it but when you started handing him one bag after another. "Oof, wew re Outta here, I am so tired." Mikey said when you gave him another bag.  You looked at him with big puppy dog eyes.

"Please!" You begged, "just one thing is left, then we can go."  Mikey sighed in defeat before nodding his head, your cuteness was too much for him to handle.

"Ok, I am gonna just roam around outside the store a bit, call me when you are done, hmm?" He said and then leaned closer and kissed your lips and give a peck on the baby's forehead.  "Okay!" You replied and started to search for the last thing you wanted to buy.

Mikey started walking around, thinking of maybe buying you something good. While walking, he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, he turned around and sawvhis freind, Takemichi. "Mikey-kun!" He said in all excitement.

"Hey takemichi! What's up?" Mikey asked as soon as they were out from eachother's embrace. "Oh nothing really, I just saw that you seemed to be quite deep in thought there." Takemichi said and then his eyes fell on the woman with pink hair running towards him with some few shopping bags. She looked beautiful as ever to him.

"Takemichi, look! I bought some decorative vases for our apartment."  She squealed and handed him one bag which contained some vases. Takemichi smiled as he took the bag. "That's good." After giving the bag, Hina greeted Mikey.

She was wondering where you could be, maybe you were here. Without thinking further, she asked Mikey "Erm, is y/n here?"  To which, Mikey replied "Yea! She's just in that baby shop or maybe some stores beside it, and Akia is also with her, you should come meet her."

Hina nodded quickly before taking her steps to the baby shop but she didn't find you there, she moved further and then saw you and who was standing there with a cute family tshirt set. Mikey and Takemichi walked on the other way and started chatting.

"I want to give something special to y/n." He said but then he got an idea. "Hey, you know, that clover necklace that you and Hina wear, I was wondering if something like that would make her happy." Takemichi smiled and nodded. "I know some good jwellery store here, I think they have something of your taste."

Mikey nodded and followed Takemichi who headed towards the jwellery store, when they arrived, Mikey was amazed to see so many different things. "This place is damn cool, I am sure anything from this place would be loved by her."

Mikey walked inside and saw all sorts of beautiful looking jewellery. "Sir, may I help you?" One of the workers said, by which Mikey agreed.  "I am looking for matching necklaces, the couple type ones." "Yes sir, please come to the counter, I will show you."

Mikey and Takemichi did as what she said and now she was showing some dazzling matching necklaces. It was so confusing for him because they all looked so wonderful. But then, when the worker showed him a  necklace with a heart and infinity logo wrapped around it, his eyes sparkled.

"I will take this pair!" "Oh sir, I know this isvonr of the best things we have in here and just like that you know, more best, most costlier." "No worries. I will take it." Mikey paid for the necklace set and happily exited  the store.

After some time, you came back with Hina. Mikey, Akia and you went away towards your house same with Hina and Takemichi. Akia had fallen asleep in the car ride. "Her diaper was so full, that God Hina was with me, she helped me change her diaper." You and Mikey laughed  and continued the drive home.

As soon as you entered the house, the three of you plopped down on the fluffy bed. "My legs are hurting ai much." You sighed. Mikey first put Akia in her crib and then snuggled inside the blankets with you.

"Well it would hurt more if I was the reason of that." He joked causing another laugh out of you. "I brought something for us, wanna see?" You nodded as he took out a box from a small paper bag.

Mikey opened up the box to reveal two necklaces with the infinity symbol wrapped. The two necklaces matched each other perfectly. "Wow, these are really  pretty." You admired them. "Thanks. I bought them today."

Mikey gave one to you while he kept the other to himself. The two of you talked about how they were supposed to wear. And when both of you were done, he snuggled his face in your bosom.  You played with his hair and kissed his head. "Good night, Manji..good night, Aki.."

[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

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