🦋Part 13🦋

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Will you both finally kiss each other today?

You could feel the hot breath of Mikey as you were slowly closing your eyes leaning more and more. And when the gap between your and Mikey's lips was just a needle away, both of your faces repelled each other due to a sudden noise.

You took a deep breathe to calm down yourself and so did Mikey. You looked towards your phone as it was the one making the noise.

'Mom 💞' reflected on the screen of your phone. You averted your gaze from the screen towards Mikey. He just motioned his hands pointing at your phone and nodded. You again brought your gaze back to it and swiped the accept button.

'Hello sweetie~'
'Hi Mom.'
'We didn't talk for a while now. I though why not talk right now.'
'I missed you.'
'Me too, honey.'
'How are you and dad?'
'Well, we are all good. How about you?'
'I am also great and healthy.'
'Stay like that always...so I was asking if you and Mikey would like to come for a family dinner, today.

Mikey sat close to you so he could here everything. And before you could tilt your head to ask him about the dinner, he gave you a closed eye smile to let you he was okay with that. You also gave him a smile and started talking to your mom again.

'Sure, we would love to.'
'Come as soon as possible, sweetie.'
'Ok mom, love ya.'
'Love you too~'
With that, the call ended and you stood up and dusted some of the grass which got stuck on your jeans.
Seeing you, he also got up and did the same thing.

"Thanks Manji, I had a lot of fun with you wandering around these various amazing places."-you said to Mikey while beaming at him.
"I am glad and if you really liked it, we can go on a date like this again, some another time."

Then, you held his hand rushing towards his bike like those kids you saw in the park. To Mikey, everything which was happening,  felt as in slow motion. Your giggles melted his heart. He doesn't know how in the world can he feel sparkling and dazzling flowers all around him, as in heaven. Either he was gone stupid or either it was because of you.

His little imagined scenarios were interupted by you, shaking his shoulders.

"Start the bike Manjirou, we will be late."
"Oh, yes yes, lemme start it."

"Therefore he took out his bike's key from his pocket and inserted it inside the little hollow part in the bike. You hoped on at the back seat and he started the engine, leading you both to your parent's house.

"You know where to go, right?"
"Ofcourse I do, why won't I know my father and mother-in-laws' house?"
"I don't know, I just felt like it."
"Well, you shouldn't."

Ambling towards the l/n's mansion's main gate, you and Mikey were now being welcomed by the guards

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Ambling towards the l/n's mansion's main gate, you and Mikey were now being welcomed by the guards. You gave them a sweet smile and continued walking with Mikey hand-by-hand.

Beautiful (s/c) willowy fingers pressed on the switch of the door bell. As soon as the loud ringing was heard by your mom, she hurriedly went towards the door and unlatched it. She had a smile etched on her face as if already knowing that the person who rang the bell was you.

🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now