🦋Part 5🦋

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Mikey entered the hideout and saw the executives . Later, his pitch black eyes landed on Sanzu hitting some flunkies who were squatting down with their hands tied up and gagged.

He glanced at them with emotionless eyes and sat on a cage where some fishes were immured.

He took out one of the taiyaki from the bento you made for him with pure adoration and love and commenced to eat it.

His mind reminiscencing your beautiful and joyous face when you were frying it. Even when his mouth was stuffed with taiyaki, he managed to grow a momentary smile.

He was inturepted from his thoughts by Sanzu shouting "Bring down Bonten's hammer of judgement on the traitors."

The flunkies were grumbling in pain. It was too loud and noisy for Sanzu so he said them to shut up and listen to Mikey's words as if already knowing what's gonna happen.

After chewing the part of taiyaki that was in his mouth, Mikey ordered Sanzu to kill them.
Pointing his gun towards the traitors, the rose-coloured hair man again told them to shut up and then....
He shooted the three of them one by one and said that those who don't fit in Bonten are just scraps.
Followed by some other executives telling to clean the mess up and even if there is a traitor in between them, they deserve the same punishment.

That is indeed true, Mikey hates having traitors in bonten and the only best punishment for them is death.

And to a normal person's eye, that scene (Sanzu killing people ruthlessly) would be a horrific one but to these criminals, it is entertaining.

And to a normal person's eye, that scene (Sanzu killing people ruthlessly) would be a horrific one but to these criminals, it is entertaining

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"What did they do?"- Mikey asked the executive who had a scar running on his left side of the forehead to the temple, Kakucho Hitto.

"These three rat bastards were the ones who exposed your neck tattoo when we were going to one of our clubs by clicking a picture and later on sending towards on of the detective agencies."

"Fucking assholes."- Mikey said in a calm yet threatening tone.

"Boss, one more thing, i need to say ya."- Sanzu said while popping a pill into his mouth.

"Hmm, what is it?"

"There is some bastard trying to reach us. He has been searching our old hideouts."

"Maybe it is someone from the detective agencies. Now-a-days, these companies are strictly opposing money for not exposing us out. We need to be more circumspect about this."-the older Haitani said.

"Also, many law enforcement officers came to check upon one of our clubs for two times this week."- the younger Haitani said.

"I suggest to change our hideout once again and delay some of the shippings of drugs and weapons abroad Japan. What do you say, Mikey?"- Takeomi asked Mikey in a deep tone.

"Sounds good to me."....
"And Kakucho, do you have any notion to where to set up another hideout?"

"Ya, there's this arcade a few kilometres away from the Tokyo tower. It seems a safe place."

"What the fuck, how can it be a same place if it close to Tokyo tower."- Sanzu cried out as if ripping his lungs off.

"Sanzu, atleast listen carefully to what I say. I said it is a few kilometres away from the Tokyo Tower, it is in a place where there is less security, this arcade didn't gain name cuz that place was and is less populated. So, eventually it is the best place for our hideout."- Kakucho said.

"Alright then, it's decided, Kakucho and Mochi, you have to set up the hideout in that arcade ASAP."-Mikey said in a comanding tone.

"Yes, boss."- Kakucho and Mochi replied in unison.

As Kakucho and Mochi were heading out of the hideout, Mikey's phone started buzzing. He started getting irritated but when he was about to decline the call, he saw your name on the screen- 'Y/n ♡'.

He beamed at the screen. Sanzu looked shocked and said...

"Boss, which special whore is it that you smiled at the call?"- Sanzu said with a smirk only to met by Mikey's death stare.

"Y/n is not a whore. "- Mikey said the sentence word by word in a menacing tone.

"I-I am sorry, i d-din't know that it was your wife."-Sanzu stuttered.

"If you don't know then don't fucking say anything."

"Yes boss."

Ran and Kokonoi were holding their laughters after seeing Sanzu's scared expressions. They only let it out when Mikey told them to dismiss.

"Are you gone mad, Sanzu?- Ran asked laughing his ass out

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"Are you gone mad, Sanzu?- Ran asked laughing his ass out.

"Bro, it's Mikey, don't be so damn sarcastic with him."- Kokonoi said putting a hand on Sanzu's shoulder.

"Shut up!"- Sanzu said in full embarrassment.

"But really Sanzu, open your mouth when it's necessary...if you don't wanna end up dead."- Takeomi said to Sanzu.



Mikey called you from his side because he missed out the call you gave him due to Sanzu's stupidness.

"Hello Manjirou"

Your voice made his flutter and let out all the rage he carried a few moments ago. Plus the Manjirou made him feel like he was in heaven. Yes, he does like being called Mikey more by people. But you, even if you would say his real name again and again, he won't get bored.

"Hi."-he said in a lull voice with a small smile planted on his face.

"Are you free?"

"Ya, i am free. Do you want something y/n."

"No, i was just wondering if you can come home soon. I just want to spend some time with you."

At this pont, to him, it felt like he became a 15 year old again when life was joyous.

"Yes ofcourse. Anything for you.....darling."

[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

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