🦋Part 27🦋

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Little by little, Mikey started to feel the same feeling of loneliness and darkness. There was no light in his life anymore. And the only way he could ever feel warm was you but now you are probably in heaven.

He felt something heavy on his body...his thoughts were distracted by it. A whory girl sat on his lap and clinged to him. She reminded him of Kana and he sure knows he hated those kind of women. Feeling disgusted, he threw her on the floor. Sanzu looked at his boss and then the woman, he understood and threw her out of the VIP section of the club.

"Sanzu, just tell me what you wanted to tell, I don't want to be here at all. If you think these women would help, you are totally out of your mind." He said coldly and cracked his knuckles while Sanzu took a sip of his wine, ready to tell some interesting information.

"Remember boss, when I told you there is some dude trying to reach us?" Mikey hummed ready to listen more of what he had to say. "well, he is a very familiar person to you, he was always with you and had played many important roles in toman, he is....Hanagaki Takemichi."

Mikey paused his cracking rested his arm on the sofa's arm. "This is not funny, Sanzu." "Boss, he really is who I am saying he is, he's been searching for you and is also being supported by Kazutora." 'You agin Takemichi, you are probably back now, huh?' 

He thought to himself as he kept quiet. The silence between the two of them lasted a few minutes until finally he broke it "Just find him but don't kidnap him or anything...rest of the things will all be handled by me." 

Mikey left the club and got in his car. He drove to the place he took you before, a place where he enjoyed a lot to be. He got out of his car and slowly walked on the light green grass which now due to the darkess of the sky, looked like dark green.

He sat on it and looked at the view infront of him. Why doesn't it look beautiful anymore...he used to like it and make him calm down but it is not working.  He got up and went back to homez he didn't sleep, he was just waiting to free him from this world and go back to shis freind, siblings and you.

And he knew the perfect plan to end it, he would do it just after meeting him after twelve years. He's deep in his thoughts again...

Evening time of the next day came and he was all ready...as in ready to end it all. He walked up the stairs of an old abandoned hideout of his which Sanzu.

They made sure to make slow and silent steps. After that, he saw that old friend of his, Takemichi, all deep in his thoughts muttering to himself, siti g on a chair. Sanzu placed a gun on the side of his head which distracted him.

Evening time of the next day came and he was all ready...as in ready to end it all. He walked up the stairs of an old abandoned hideout of his which Sanzu.

They made sure to make slow and silent steps. After that, he saw that old friend of his, Takemichi, all deep in his thoughts muttering to himself, sitting on a chair. Sanzu placed a gun on the side of his head which distracted plus shocked him.

"Man, you stink like hell! You've smelled even back then, slimly looking mother-fucker!" The black haired man was confused, he never met this pink looking pschyopath. The clapping of the slippers were heard which were familiar to Takemichi.

With each step taken, he grew nervous and nodoubt he heard his old freind say "I's the best future, isn't it?" He can confirm now, he is the one who he thinks he is. Sanzu was told to go outside and he did so, leaving Takemichi and Mikey together.

A short coversation was shared but it soon ended when three bullets pierced into Takemichi's body. Oh, what a disgusting miracle! Mikey, not feeling any emotions and who didn't knew what he was doing, stood on the railings of the building and smiled widely thinking about all his loved people, maybe this was a best decision he made in life, maybe it is not.

The crowd of people started clicking pictures and rose a commotion. And soon, when he jumped, a hand gripped his arm. He looked up and saw the black haired boy, still bloodied, not caring about his own life, rather his friend's even when he tried to kill him.

Again, a short coversation was held, and the next thing Mikey knew was him asking for help and within seconds...both of their hands met, in a handshake position and from there....Takemichi knows what happens.

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[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

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