🦋Part 11🦋

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After having small stupid chit-chats while riding the bike, you both reached an old-styled house. It was huge but it looked like as if it had been abandoned for a few years. Mikey halted and parked then bike inside the front yard . He told you to get off and so you did. He also later got off the bike and smiled looking at the house.

You shifted your gaze from the house towards Mikey and he said "Let's go inside."

"What place is this?"
"You have eyes, don't you? Did you even spare a glane at the address board?"
You pouted and agin hit him playfully and told him that you have eyes. Then you ran towards the entrance door to see the address board. You read out the letters written on the board in your mind. Your e/c eyes widened in suprise.

"This used to be your family's house?"
"Yes,this is the place I spent my childhood."
"This is so cool and big."
"Okay, okay, there is much more to see. So keep hold of your excitement."

With that, both of you went inside. Just when Mikey opened the front door, your jaw dropped. Yes, it kinda looked interestingly crappy from outside, but inside it was astonished and very well-organized. You ran inside while Mikey followed you and said you to wait.

"Y/n, wait, let's come in the dojo first. Let's see everything in order.
"Stupid idiot! Then why did yo even open this door?"
"It happened accidentall, now come here."

Without saying anything, you followed him. You both walked towards the dojo and Mikey unlatched the wooden door.

"This is the Sano Dojo. Grandpa used to beat the shit out of Shinchiro and Baji here. But ofcourse, as strong as I am, I never got hit by him."
"Not even once?"-you gave him a sarcastic look.
"Ye-i mean no..."-He said putting a hand on his neck.

You just chuckled while further taking steps.

"Emma was announced as one of the members of our family here. As I said, Baji also used to come here to learn stuff...also he really liked this place. You know, there is an apartment nearby where he and Chifuyu also lived. After two years from Baji's death, his parents shifted somewhere else. Chifuyu is also going to shift after sometime to live near Kazutora's place."

"You sure know a lot about their current status. Don't tell me you are stalking them."- You gave him a calm yet shocked look.

"Well, I do, but not like stalk-stalk. I have some men under me who do that stuff for me. They don't physically stalk but like they have followed my friens with fake accounts. They just inform me when there is an update. Or sometimes I just get to know by some chit-chats with people.

"Damn, that's actually too much information."
"You asked, I answered.,"
"Oh, shut up."

"Let's go to my room now."
"I kind of feel like there are all black colored stuff in your room."
"Hey! What makes you think that?."
"Don't know, guess yourself...you dorayaki lover."


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🦋Aʅʅιҽʋιαƚισɳ Iɳ Yσυɾ Aɾɱʂ {𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨.𝐌 𝐱 𝐘/𝐧} 🦋Where stories live. Discover now