🦋Part 26🦋

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Mikey stood infront of the huge mirror as he wore the coat over his white shirt. "Y/n...can you come do my ti-" he grew silent when again the truth slapped his face. Why was he even calling you? To do his tie? His little smile faltered away.

He really forgot why he was getting all dressed up for, three days had passed since that incident and today was your funeral. Your folks were immensely shocked and crestfallen after hearing the news of death from Mikey just two days ago.

Your father grasped Mikey's collar as looked down on him, "Where is my daughter? It is your responsibility to keep her safe, right? Why is she not here?!" He screamed at him while his tears poured out without his knowing

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Your father grasped Mikey's collar as looked down on him, "Where is my daughter? It is your responsibility to keep her safe, right? Why is she not here?!" He screamed at him while his tears poured out without his knowing. "Honey, p-please stop...Y/n won't like this." Your mother tried to calm him down even though she herself was breaking down. When his hand left Mikey's collar, he dropped down to his knees and leaned down, touching his forehead to the floor.

"I-I know, I can't bring her back and I am truly sorry for that. I also know his apologizing won't work a least bit. Being her parents, you must be greatful to have an angel like her, I am also glad that angel became my wife. I will also cherish her. Please, do whatever you want to do, I just wanted to let you know  what happened."

Tears still streamed down his cheeks as he sobbed silently, the rest of the family sat in shock watching his outburst. "Stand up, Manjirou." Your dad held his arms and slightly pulled him upwards, which Mikey followed by standing up straight.

Back to the present

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Back to the present....

Mikey sat on the driver seat and started driving to where your funeral will be held. After a while, she halted at the desired destination. He sat inside his car not wanting to go there and see your lifeless body caged.  He closed his eyes tightly as he took a deep breath trying to contain himself.

His hand was trembling so bad that it would leave a mark on the steering wheel if he wasn't careful.  After taking another deep breath, he turned around ready to open the door but stopped before doing so. His head hung low as he slowly raised it up again and gazed upon the view ahead of him.

The building was beautifully decorated  with red, pink, yellow and white flowers scattered all over. He knew you were going to love all these colors because you always said it reminded you of the sunrise that was seen every morning through the window of your bedroom. 

Mikey's lip quivered as his eyes brimmed with tears as he took slow steps tothe entrance.

Not a lot of people were there, only the trusted alliance families, bonten's executive's and your family was there. As he entered, all the people inside the hall eyed him. He stopped just near your coffin and took one step to the side. A Mike was brought into his sight and he looked at the person holding it.

"Sir, would you like to say something?" He opened his mouth but he didn't find my words so she shut it back. He is not very good at speeches and if he ever wants to open his heart while speaking, it would be with you, just you and him.

He shaked his head while the man nodded and took the mike back. "Uh, I would actually like to say something, I will just use my voice for it. I am glad you all came at my beloved wife's funeral. You all can start with the prayers." People started coming on by one, some shaked hands with Mikey and settled flowers on the coffin.

A little girl with a white lily came nervously put the flower but she tripped on her way and was almost going to tear up. Mikey rushed their and took her in his arms and walked up to where he was before. Little mutterings could be heard in the crowd but it didn't matter. Mikey took her little hands in his and placed it on the coffin.

"Is she a godess?" The little girl  whispered shyly looking down at the coffin.  Her little hand moved on its own to brush her finger across your cheek and stroke gently, but softly.  She looked back at Mikey who smiled sadly and looked down.

"Yes she is." He answered, the little girl and brought her down where she ran back to her parents. 'You saw that y/n?' When all the guests did their prayings, Mikey now came infront on you. He prayed in his head and then kissed your forehead. "I will come soon, just wait." 

He kneeled and put a flower crown on your head. The funeral soon ended with your burial. He went back to his and your house, nowomly his house. Mikey unlatched the door and was met by silence....there is no "Welcome home, Manjirou!" anymore.

No more laughter or crying, there was nothing but silence. He went to the room, took out one of your shirts, and without changing, he held it tightly and cried off to sleep.

"I love you." Mikey whispered. "I miss you." He added.
'I need you...' 'I might loose myself again when I wake up the next day...I am scared.'

[𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒊𝒅, 𝒑𝒍𝒔 𝒗𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕.]

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