The coughing

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The coughing was getting worse. I had been hiding it for so long. Only Grim and the Ghosts knew the truth. I didn't want anyone to know. If only I could stop this but no mater what I can't find away to make it go away. I don't have a pen like the others. That was my fault. I hid so the mirror would send me home. That damned thing then refused to send me back. I remember it like it was yesterday. How a hand grabbed my shoulder as I passed the mirror in my home. How it pulled me through. It was terrifying. Hearing those dark whispers in my ear. 

ahh... my dear Beloved...

A lovely noble flower of evil...

Truly you are the most Beautiful of all...

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

Who is the...

I remember Trying to pull that hand from my shoulder. Only for it to grab hold on my hand and Tighten it's Grip. I hated the feeling I wanted it to get off! But it would not let me go.

Those who are guided by the Dark Mirror...

As Long as your heart desires...

Take the hand that appears in the mirror...

Do not let it go no matter the cost...

Deuce shook my shoulder snapping me out of my Flash back. I whipped my hand still feeling the spider like tingles on my hand from where the Hand in the Mirror hand touched me. I smiled at Deuce pretending nothing had happened. I had gotten good at these Fake smiles. No one truly knew me here. No one knew what was a real smile and what was a fake smile.

"Sorry Deuce got a little distracted" Ace slapped my back, I held in a wince and Cleared my throat to hide a cough. 

"You're always distracted these days Yuu, Come on we got Mr. Vargas next" I held back a groan. Gym was never a fun time. Last class I had to cough by telling the Teacher, Ashton Vargas, I had Ate to much lunch. Mr. Vargas had laughed and joked about my having a weak stomach. Then bragged about being able to Eat ten times what I had Ingested. I had learned if I could get Mr. Vargas to talk about himself he would become easily distracted. I learned many things to hide this from everyone. 

The hardest to hide it from was Tsunotarou. His eyes looked like they were piecing into mine every night he visited. I was surprised to Learn Malleus was indeed my Tsunotarou but that didn't matter. I was glad to know who he was. He was till kind to me. Still I have been quite good at hiding it form even Him. I do feel Lilia suspects though. But he would not say anything even if he knew. He has been known to Keep other's secrets quite well. 

We walked to Mr. Vargas class. I felt my chest tighten but smiled through the pain. I just had to make it to the end of the day then I could return to my dorm. After all the Overblots it had been Quiet for some time. The school year calming down quite a bit. It was a strange anxiety calm as many wondered who would be next to Overblot. None suspect it very well could be me.

After all I was a "magicless, Useless, Human." What harm could I do? Sometimes I even fool myself I fear. But that was ok. I would rather pretend. It was easier this way. Easier then facing the truth. That my family had lied to me. That it took coming to a completely new world alone and afraid to learn what I was. Sometimes I would see a flash of my true Appearance in the mirror. I hadn't even realized I was hiding it until it was to late. Everyone had known me as the Magicless human by them. 

The lies just kept piling up after that. One after the other. Even Tsunotarou Called me Child of man. I didn't know how I kept this up for so long. Somedays I was so tired I felt it start to shift but I would stand up straight and take a breath and it would stay strong. I had learned in class it was called a glimmer. After I learned what I was doing on Instinct I checked out books in the Library about them. As many as I could find. It was easy no one suspected. If asked I would just say I was learning about my new world and found it fascinating to read. It wasn't a lie. I did find it Fascinating. just not in the way they thought.

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now