The North

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It was the morning of our Trip. We had all packed and Grim was on Noches shoulder. Apparently Grim was going to stay with Noche in the Guards quarters during the stay and They had both bonded well that night. I was glad. This meant that I didn't have to worry about them fighting often. Not that Noche would pick Useless fights. Tsunotarou had dressed me for the Trip we would be flying there and While I was doing well with my wings I couldn't fly more then  a foot or so off the ground. That was when I COULD get off the ground. So Tsunotarou would be carrying me. Silver would be ridding his broom with Grim, Noche and Lilia would be Hovering There, Something tells me That it had to do with their specific Species of Fae. Though I doubt they are the same kind. Grandmother, Tsunotarou and I would be of course flying. 

We meet at the front steps. I was already in Tsunotarou's arms. Grandmothers smiled at us. We each had on our jackets for the flights. The winds would get cold at such a high altitude as well as the fact that we were heading to the Snowy north. Mine had a little fluff around the hood and holes at the top with buttons for my horns. Tsunotarou made sure my hood was up and secure before we even walked outside. The valley had a nice crisp morning but in all our Clothing I was roasting. I wasn't meant to be this warm and groaned against Tsunotarou's shoulder.

"Oh dear, I see the Hatchling isn't enjoying the warm clothing" Grandmother said touching my warm cheek.

"They will appreciate it more once we are in the air I am sure" Tsunotarou stated. Grandmother nodded. Soon we were readying for take off. Lilia was trying to cheer me up with stories but I was so warm I couldn't listen. I closed my eyes Tired. If I slept for a bit it wouldn't matter right? I would just sleep the Trip away.


I woke to Cool air on my face hitting my cheeks like small little needles. It felt so nice! I opened my eyes and gasped at the view. Lilia and Silver with grim were in front. Grandmother was to our side and Noche was to the rear. It was like the Formation back at Campus. Tsunotarou glanced down and brought his hand to my cheek. I leaned into his warm hand. This was nice.

"They feel cooler now" He stated. Grandmother let out a relieved sigh.

"You gave us quite the scare Hatchling. Falling asleep like that" I blushed and hid in Tsunotarou's shoulder.

"Sorry Grandmother" she chuckled.

"No no Little one it is alright, We should have taken into account your body needing cooler temperatures and Hibernating in the warmer times" I blushed. Did that mean most of this summer I would sleep? I hope not there was so much to do. I was glad for our Nest being on a mountain now. It should have cooler winds at the least.

"How far are we?" I asked. Tsunotarou looked around and nodded.

"About thirty minutes to, you slept for quite a while Hatchling" I pouted and he nosed my forehead. Nosing his chin I then turned and looked around us. We were over the sea now, There were glaciers all around us and sometimes We would dodge out of the way they were so large. Ice and Snow were everywhere. I looked down and could see a pod of Narwhales swimming. I was glad I had heard they could get stuck in the ice. It looked like they would be fine as it was summer time. I giggled looking down at them. 

Tsunotarou looked Down and smiled turning upside down and lifting me in the air. I giggled and raised my hands feeling the Needle like breeze run through me fingers. Tsunotarou was Flight bonding with me even with everyone around. Sadly my jacket was closed back and I couldn't fly with it on right now. This was ok though. I trusted Tsunotarou to keep me safe. 

It wasn't long before we hit land and then in the distance I could see a palace looking like pure Ice in the mountain side. There you could see a small settlement Near the Palace. As we Neared we saw Four large figures and One smaller Figure waiting for us. Lilia was the first to land with Silver not far behind Grim jumping off and standing Next to silver.

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