The Guard

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Waking up in the bed I saw I was alone, I felt my chest tighten but it didn't last long as I heard someone making scratchy writing sounds in one of the rooms. I moved to crawl out of the bed and slide down the covered. I heard the scratching pause for a moment before something was set on wood.

I moved away from the bed and flapped my wings a little. They still hurt a bit but not like yesterday. The left was still sluggish. I felt it but it felt like someone had a weighted blanket over it. It was hard to move it. I heard foot steps but they were the light footsteps of Tsunotarou. I relaxed and moved away from the bed. He opened the door and gave me a soft smile.

"Well I am glad I paid heed to the saying Let sleeping Dragons lye" He joked, I stuck my tongue out at me but giggled. He pet my head and looked behind me.

"How are they feeling?" I glanced back and smiled a little.

"don't hurt as much today, just a little throb" He nodded.

"any movement?" I made a so so hand gesture.

"It feels heavy" He nodded and moved behind me touching the wing. I could feel his touch at least this time. it did cause me to tense a little. He waited for me to relax before moving the left wing.

"I believe it is now simply Muscle and your need to build them up. you will have a scar however" I shook my head. I could deal with a scar. Tsunotarou ran his hand down the length of my wing where the Rip had been. It felt a little tender but I felt a movement to get the hand away. I heard him huff a little laugh.

"there is movement though" I looked back at him shocked. He did he-? He smirked at me.

"Well, we must get you something to eat, It is already close to mid-day, I fear this Break may cause harm to your Diet plan." I pouted at that. He shook his head at me and raised an eye brow. I pouted further. I was ok. I didn't even feel hungry. He looked me in my eyes and I looked down. Damn it! That was playing dirty! I glanced up and his eyes were still looking at me unblinking. They almost seemed to glow. I looked back down and nodded. He blinked and smiled gently at me.

"Good, I am glad you are understanding the importance of this" I waited till his back was turned then Stuck my Tongue out. when he turned back and Played innocence. He smirked and moved to hand me a new shirt and a dreaded jacket. I glared at the jacket.

"You will be heading outside today. you will need at least a light jacket" I glared at it still. Cursed thing!!

"Come along, I will assist you" I gave him a sign and started undoing the back of my collar of the shirt. After getting that done he handed me my new shirt to put on. I made a face at seeing it had a little dragon on it. Oh he was playing a dirty game today! He smirked.

"Now, Grandmother picked it out just for you, It would be rude not to indulge her a little" I pouted at him. Oh is that the game were playing! The guilt game! I signed about to put the damn thing one when Tsunotarou's hand stopped mine.

"Hatchling... When last did you bath?" I blushed bright red... I had forgotten about that, How long had it been? I don't think I even bathed in the Disasomnia dorms yet.

"I take it not in a while" he Signed a blushed worse.

"t-to be fair, I forgot" Tsunotarou narrowed his eyes at me and pointed to the bathroom. I blushed worse and walked to the bathroom. He walked with me lighting the room in Green. I remember hearing in the Valley of Thorn every thing was powered by magic. I didn't realize it was the lights as well.

the Bath started to fill and I glared at the slightly steaming water. Tsunotarou looked at me expectantly. I pouted at him worse. This was Embarrassing enough but he could at least turn the fuck around! He raised an eye brow and I signed. He wasn't going to leave anytime soon. I took off my pants and Underwear climbing in quickly. I heard his snicker even if he was simply smiling. He sat at the edge.

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