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When I woke up I was laying in a large bed with blankets around me. I curled in more and let out a whine. My back ached a lot. I felt my left wing throb heavily... left wing... LEFT WING?!?!? I sat up and yelped regretting it. I felt hand on my head.

"You should not be up hatchling" I turned at saw Tsunotarou looking at me with narrow eyes. I ducked my head and laid back down.

"I-is it ok?" I whispered in a small voice. Tsunotarou looked at me and gave a soft smile.

"it is fine. But if you move it before the stitch is healed it might open. We have a spell knitting the tissue back together. You must not move it" I made a face and put my head back down on my bed. Tsunotarou closed his book he had been reading and looked outside.

"I am surprised you are awake. We had hopped you would rest for another hour or so." I tried to look outside but it was hard with how the bed were the bed was facing.

"it is around mid-day, You slept for 2 hours" I signed.

"I felt it" I said. Tsunotarou blinked and then gave me that smirk.

"Yes I would assume so, we had to open the Tissue so we would be able to put it back together" I shook my head.

"No, I mean I couldn't before... Even when your hand was on it... I couldn't feel it" Tsunotaoru looked surprised then pet my head.

"That is good news then. Perhaps there was a nerve disconnected" nodding I heard I knock at the door. I swallowed the growl down. Now wasn't the time. Tsunotaoru however did not. He gave a low Growl but it sounding more comforting then angry. He stood and walked to his door His Grandmother walked in.

"How is the Hatchling?" She said in her soft voice. Tsunotaoru raised an eye brow at her.

"Awake, In pain" she nodded and moved past him. His eyes followed her as she moved closer to the bed.

"Calm yourself Youngling, I am just going to check them" Tsunotarou still followed her with his eyes this time they were softer though. I was not however. I felt vulnerable and attempted to move back. She would pause letting me relax before moving forward once again. Finally she was to the bed and reached to my back. I clenched the sheets and bit my lip so I wouldn't snap. Tsunotarou was to me quickly and had tapped my nose.

"no, don't bite yourself" I clenched my eyes closed and tried to relax. But everything in my told me to snap and growl to get the Strange Adult away while I was like this. Tsunotaoru held my jaw and pushed my cheeks inward making me open my mouth. He had a sad look. His grandmother also had sad eyes.

"Oh dear, I now see what Lilia was talking about, They are quiet self Destructive" After Tsunotarou let go of me jaw he rubbed my bottom lip. I gave out a whine I couldn't stop in time.

"Yes they are, We are working on there need to call for help. But it is a slow process" She nodded agreeing.

"If you are uncomfortable you should call for your Caretaker, Hatchling. It will not make you seem weak" I looked down. I felt like I was being scolded...actually I was. I just... didn't want to bother Tsunotarou to much. I was already taking up a lot of his time. He touched my head and his Grandmother touched my Left wing gently. I flinched a little, She was quick and before I knew it she had backed away and was looking at Tsunotarou.

"The wing is stitched nicely, They should be able to at least get up and move about, I would skip the Exercises for tonight however" Tsunotarou nodded.

"Good, I am sure they are looking forward to seeing the rest of the building" She nodded giving a smile that showed she was very much related the Malleus.

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now