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The week before Break was the hardest. This Time it was for a few months before Coming back for Sophomore year. That would be a serious event. I would have to make sure Azul actually gives Malleus his Invitation! The previous week we all had final exams. It was ok, Grim and I studied with Sebek for the most part. Silver did come in to help as well. We ended up with a 98! I was really proud of us. The next week was basically summer homework, Packing all your items, Calling home to tell them the day your heading back, Ect. For us at Diasomnia it was Pack essentials as you will be coming back. Unless your graduating of course. 

During this week It was calm. No one really was rushing around like I hear from Ace at Heartslabyul or Complaining like at Savanaclaw. I know Azul was looking forward to heading back to his hometown. Floyd and Jade were heading out with their family this year to travel up north to visit their family in the deep. I believe I heard Kalim and Jamil were of course heading home but Kalim was going to keep Jamil far away from his family. Not that Jamil was happy with the idea. 

Vil complained about having to Travel for a photo shoot. It was I believe to Sunset Savanna. Rook was meeting him there and were going to have a day meet up before Vil had to leave. Epel was just happy to be heading home. I didn't really see Idia or Ortho during the last week. I guess they had alot to pack though.  

Our dorm just calmly got things together. Packing and labeling who was what. People shrunk their items or had Upper classmen do it for them or teach them the spell. Tsunotarou and I had fun in our nest. We had packed everything but our clothing so far as well as a few school supplies we needed for the rest of the week. After classes we would haul our self into the nest to spend time recharging. With all the stress radiating of all our classmates it was nice to be somewhere quiet. I think my ear is still ringing hearing Deuce and Ace arguing who's underwear were whos. I shuddered just thinking about it.

History was paused for this week with the excuse to give Lilia more time to pack his things with silver. Really it was because I often found my self wanting to stay close to Tsunotarou. if he was working on paperwork I was leaning against his leg. If I was doing my Language Lessons. I was in Tsunotarous arms and he had us wrapped around in his wings. 

The nest would be missed during this next few months. We would go back to the Larger nest home but we would be leaving for the North with in a day or two of being back. We would stay in the North for 3 weeks. Then we would have two months to be back in our larger Nest with the clan. 

Grim was just excited to be coming along. He had been packing his collars and Tuna with Sebek. Grim would be joining the Guard as a unofficial member. Noche had been informed of the Beast joining him in my guard. If nothing but for the Trip to the north. Noche had said he would be civil if the Beast was. I understood, Grim can be a little hard to handle. He had gotten much calmer and used to humanoid type interactions but he still tended to say things he shouldn't. He was very blunt. 

I had started doing Bonding with Tsunotarou more often. Grooming bonding for the most part as Flight bonding was hard to do whe the Training grounds were often taken. Tsunotarou and I had once gone on a late night walk under Silver and Sebek's nose. We headed to Ramshackle a few days before we left. Tsunotarou asked if I had anything I wished to take from here. I had grabbed a few Clothing items I had cultivated. Nothing fit me anymore but A few hoodies Deuce had given me and I had snagged a Savanaclaw Gym shirt when I stayed there. While to big they had memories and made me feel loved by my friends. Tsunotarou raised an eye brow at the shirt but I said nothing. I held my head high like any would in this situation of having to barrow clothing! 

Meaning I blushed like crazy and was to fucking embarrassed to say a damn thing! I also took a few of the photos I had of Grim and our friends. Looking at them I noticed. My face was never in the photos. Not even once. Either I was blurred out or a finger was in the way or I was turned around. None of me in my Glimmer were seen. It was odd but I had to remember most of these were taken by the Ghost Camera. It makes sense a device made to capture a piece of someone's souls wouldn't be able to capture someone hiding their very soul. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now