First flight

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The rest of the day went well, I stayed with Grandmother and Lilia until lunch. Grandmother sat at her desk and worked on papers. Lilia if he wasn't delivering things for Grandmother, would play games with me. He had a portable Game Station he was showing me how to play. Something about powering up your armies to attack another, But you had to do weird tasks to power them up. Like Sit in a class room, Or learn forging, things like that. 

After Lunch Tsunotarou came back and told me he had sadly been found out and would have to spend the afternoon catching up on somethings he had been putting off. He instead dropped me off at the Training grounds. Noche was training with the Swordsman again, I had seen him work with the mages as well but he seemed to enjoy swordsmanship the most. Flint however was Near the Archery grounds. I smiled as I went to were I usually sit to watch.  After a bit Noche spotted me and walked over giving me a Bow.

"I Greet the Thorns Frost" I giggled. He had a new name today! 

"Hi Noche! How is training going?" He chuckled and me and knelt down.

"It is going well today young one, I did not see you at this mornings training." I shook my head.

"No, Grandmother wished to talk to me. She wanted to tell me how tomorrow was going to go" Noche nodded.

"Yes, You will pick your guard today. I am sure they will be proud to serve you" He had a smile on his face but his eyes looked sad. I frowned, Sad and lonely. Reaching out I touched his cheek like Grandmother does to me. He blinked.

"Why are you sad?" He blinked suprised then brought his hand up to meet mine.

"I feel a tad Jealous to the one you will chose." I blinked then giggled be gave a little pout.

"Noche, your silly" He signed at that.

"I suppose so, I should be proud that someone will look after your safety" I pouted at him then patted his cheek hard.

"Noche!" He blinked confused.

"You really think I would chose someone else" He looked even more confused.

"P-Parden?" I feel like I was going to have to spell this out for him! Was he really this dense?! I only talk to him and Flint! Silver and Sebek were Tsunotarou's Guard! Who else would I pick.

"Noche, Why would I chose anyone else...But you?" his cheeks grew a little pink as be blinked rapidly at me.

"M-Me? young one there are many stronger then I" I shook my head at him.

"No, Noche is who I'm picking, You and Flint are the only two I feel ok around. Flint is nice. But he isn't Noche. Noche is kind and makes me laugh, So... Will you please keep me safe to?" Noche took a deep breath and nodded.

"Of course young one, Though after tomorrow I will have to call you, Your Highness" I made a face and Noche laughed.

"Please don't." Noche laughed louder and patted my head. This was what I liked about Noche. He didn't feel like he was walking on Eggshells around me. He just spoke his mind with a smile. As the day went on Noche even took me to the Swords and started showing me how to properly handle them. I remember Silver once saying he thought I would have a Talent for them. But this one was heavy. Noche showed me how to handle them, How to grip and where I should swing. 

After A long while of Practicing my swing I felt a hand on my head. Looking up Tsunotarou was smiling down at me. Noche bowed his head putting a hand to his chest.

"I greet the Thorn Prince" He said as he always did when Tsunotarou came by. Tsunotarou waved him off.

"Sir, Noche I see you are once again with my Hatchling" Noche nodded.

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