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The next few days things got back to normal. We had now been at the Glacdrac Palace for about a week. another two weeks to go. Silver was back on Duty with Lilia. Lilia however had him stay with Him while protecting Grandmother. This was fine. Noche and Grim were beside me as well as Tsunotarou who would go from me to Grandmother more often then not. Ventus had made an appearance often. Normally it was to help with Me building things in the snow. At one point I had buried my self in it and Grim was confused why. Ventus explained it was because back in the day. Many Cold Climate dragons would burrow into the Snow for hunting. Our hides were white and it made for efficient stealth hunting. 

This gave me the Idea to play Hide and Seek one day. Grim and Noche agreed. I waited till it was my turn to hide. It was Noches turn to find us. Looking around I ran off. After a while of looking franticly I ran into a snow bank and buried my self deep inside. Giggling I covered my self up. but after a long time I didn't hear anything. It felt like it was getting late. Grim had chosen a Tree top I think. I peeked out and listened. I couldn't hear Noche. Was he ok? Was Grim ok? I took  Breath. It was ok I was ok. Grim would yell if he was in trouble. We all were close together.  

I went to move but found I was stuck! I looked and couldn't figure out how I had gotten stuck. I felt myself whine. I whined loudly. I would like out now please! I had to make sure everyone was ok. Why was it so quiet?! I heard a soft chuckle and spotted Lady Mila standing by a tree with Nix.

"Oh dear, Leaving a Hatchling unattended" I felt my chest grow cold as I pulled at my leg a whine escaping my mouth.

"shhh shh its alright. We will help you out" Nix says moving closer. I growled and he put his hands up.

"now none of that. If you don't let us close you could be stuck for quite a while." I didn't need there help! I could get out my self! Where was Noche and Grim? Tsunotarou? anyone... Nix moved closer and brushed the snow off me so I was in full view. I saw my leg was caught in a metal rope and pulled tightly around my ankle. It was starting to hurt to move.

"Goodness, an animal trap" Lady Mila said putting her hand to her mouth. She shook her head and looked at Nix.

"It seems this will have to be taken off with care. We don't want to injure you further" I would bite you if I didn't need your help! Nix gently took off the metal rope. I saw red in the white snow. moving quickly I tried to stand but fell right away with a pained yelp.

"Oh you poor hatchling, Do not fret we will get you inside. That guard of yours truly is Useless" I growled at her and she shook her head.

"Don't be Naughty now. I understand you are hurt but targeting those who are offering you help will get you nowhere" Nix however looked at my ankle with sad eyes.

"This is worse then I thought it to be. There seems to be a bit of metal in the wounds" I felt my self freeze as his cold hands touched my ankle with care. Lady Mila walked closer and nodded.

"It will need to be looked at. Nix my dear one please help them up. It seems their Guard is off messing around and can not be bothered to care" I shook and stopped my self from bitting Nix as he lifted me up. That wasn't true! Noche does care. He just...he as just... Nix held me close and pet my back. 

"Shhh calm it will be ok" I felt the hand before I could stop it. the calming Scratches. No don't touch there!!! I felt my eyes close. No... don't... Tsunot..arou.. tired... help.


I woke up in a large plush room. The floors even looked soft. there were animal hides covering every inch of the room. Nothing was sharp, Everything was rounded out and small. My height I tried to get out of bed but Sucked in a breath as I put pressure on my ankle. I crumbled to the ground and shook in pain. That had really hurt. I heard foot steps and Hiems was in the room. I tried to back away but it hurt to move. He gently closed the door and sat down waiting for me to relax.

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now