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I woke up cuddled into a side. It was warm I nuzzled it but it started to move. The warm Size chuckled slightly before it pet my head. Rubbing my eyes I made a smile whine noise. I didn't know I could make that noise. 

"Hatchling, It's time to wake up" I shook my head. I didn't wanna wake up. It was warm. I wanna cuddle with the warm. I made to grab but I couldn't get a hold of it. I continued to try to grab at the air. Come back. The warm side had moved away now.

"Hatchling, You must get out of the nest" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I wanted to stay in the nest it was cozy here. I yawned and I saw a little flash.

"Their fangs are coming in!" I heard... was enough to wake me up. I blinked and looked to see Lilia standing there holding a phone Tsunotarou was in Pajama pants had his arms crossed a smirk on his face. My face lite up and I tried to hide under the blankets.

ACK!" I squeaked. Lilia chuckled.

"Awwe nothing to be embarrassed about little one. Malleus used to do the same. Though I did not have the scales to protect me from his horns" I blushed even harder. This was so Embarrassing.

"You will have to come to terms with this sooner or later Hatchling." Tsunotarou said raising an eye brow.

"I choose later" Lilia narrowed his eyes and smirked.

"How about now, think of this like a second childhood perhaps? You are ok to be childish. It is socially expectable" I sat up and Lilia Held up his phone and snapped another picture. I blinked confused.

"Lilia I believe that is enough for today, allow them to get ready before you take more of those photos" Tsunotarou said walking up to me and taking a piece of blanket off my horn.

"Thank you" I mutters blushing. He nodded  and pet my head.

"Oh very well, I just wish to have keepsakes, I got some with silver but I never got any with you" Lilia pouted fake signing before walking out. Tsunotarou pulled out a much smaller uniform and handed it to me. I thanked him and got dressed. Luckily the pants fit this time around and the shirt was easier to button. The Vest was a little challenging but I managed... then came the tie. Even as an adult the Tie was an issue.  Tsunotarou waited for me letting me try to figure it out on my own. I was grateful for this. It was giving my the little control I still had in this situation.

After a short while I gave up and asked for help. Tsunotarou didn't say a word just knelt down and helped me With my Tie, Which is exactly how Sebek and Silver found us. I blinked. Sebek blinked then froze. Silver bowed and smiled gently at me.

"Sir, Are you both ready for class?" Silver asked. Tsunotarou nodded picking me up. I squeaked but held on. If whatever this was felt safe with Tsunotarou, that was ok. I just felt really high off the ground.

"Yes I believe so, The hatchling will need to eat some meat before we continue forth" Sebek snapped out of in and nodded.

"Of course, Young master" He stated hurrying off. Was he going to get the meat? He didn't have to do that I could do that. I moved to get down but Tsunotarou held me a little tighter. Looking up he looked in my eyes and I looked down right away. He was saying no. That meant no. ok I could remember that. We walked to the downstairs, The halls were bustling but I noticed as we passed many grew Quiet and everyone moved out of the way. It was almost lonely feeling. Did Tsunotarou have to deal with this everyday? I didn't notice yesterday.

"Think nothing of it" I heard feeling a hand on my head. I looked up. I don't know why I did it but I think I did something right. I nuzzled my nose on his chin then looked back. Tsunotarou had a kind smile on his face. I hadn't seen that smile often. But it was always nice to see. He brought his down and nosed my forehead. I smiled and felt that rumble in my chest again. 

Hidden Overblot (Twisted Wonderland Fanfic) completedWhere stories live. Discover now